Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Elizabeth

Spotlight On Our Student Elizabeth
This week, we spotlight our fourth-grader Elizabeth, who joined ISR in 2017. Elizabeth is very friendly and always willing to help. In addition to her amiable nature, she is creative and always draws beautiful pictures. She stands out as an exceptional Grade 4 student, displaying both academic and admirable personal qualities. Her dedication to learning is truly commendable; she approaches her schoolwork with a seriousness that is beyond her years. Not only does she excel academically, but she also embodies kindness and respect in all her interactions. Elizabeth’s teachers and classmates admire her for her hard work, discipline, and genuine nature.
Reflecting on her time with Elizabeth, Ms. Vittin, her previous homeroom teacher, shares: “Though I’m not teaching Lizzy this year, my experience with her last year was great. Lizzy is a bright and humorous student who finds joy in learning. She collaborates effectively with her peers and consistently puts forth her best effort.” Likewise, her German teacher, Ms. Dederichs, remarks: “I have the pleasure of teaching Lizzy in German class. Her creativity knows no bounds! She injects an infectious energy into the classroom, infusing group projects with excitement and imaginative thinking!” All in all, Elizabeth is an excellent student. She is an active participant in lessons, often eager to raise her hand to share her thoughts and opinions. She is a friend to all, both in the classroom and on the playground.
We are very proud to spotlight Elizabeth, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Aashi

Spotlight On Our Student Aashi
This week, we spotlight our eighth-grader Aashi, who joined ISR in 2016. Aashi is a cheerful and highly polite student. She consistently shows respect to her classmates and teachers and enjoys spending time with her friends during breaks. “Aashi, one of our class presidents, consistently excels as a stellar student, setting a positive example for her classmates. Her leadership, marked by dedication and integrity, is a testament to her outstanding character and her commitment to enhancing our ISR community,’ as her teacher, Mr. Nisic, adds.”
Aashi consistently demonstrates her best and has shown significant growth during her time at ISR. This progress has been noted not only by her teachers but also by Supervisor Mr. Mo. He remarked, “Aashi is a very friendly student, and it’s wonderful to see her not only enjoying her time at ISR but also making substantial progress.” In conclusion, her music teacher Mr. Abner adds ”Bring so much energy to the table. Aashi is always smiley and happy to work with others. A very friendly student who loves listening to music with a great potential to sing and perform herself. Her confidence will keep growing, she just needs to always remember how great she is!”
We are very proud to spotlight Aashi, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Awdeep

Spotlight On Our Student Awdeep
This week, we spotlight our second-grader Awdeep, who joined ISR in grade 1. Awdeep is recognized as a friendly, positive, and helpful student, who loves spending his free time outside playing with friends. His teachers appreciate that he is a respectful, funny, and bright student, who always supports his peers and works hard. “He brightens up cloudy days with his warm smile”, as his music teacher, Ms. Bucher, adds.
In the academic field, he convinces as a dedicated and hardworking student, who is excited to learn new things. Through his ambition, he achieves success in many subjects and actively participates in class. There he also shows himself as very creative and he loves to participate in classroom discussions. According to Ms. Morris, Head of Curriuclum Development of the Primary School, “Awdeep joined ISR in Grade 1 and has been brightening classrooms ever since. We are so happy to have Awdeep at ISR!”
We are very proud to spotlight Awdeep one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Emma

Spotlight On Our Student Emma
This week, we spotlight our fourth-grader Emma, who joined ISR in grade 1. Since then, she has been a role model to others with her excellent behavior and participation in class. She is a very dedicated student and takes pride in her work. Not only do her peers appreciate her good sense of humor, but she also convinces her teachers “I´ve never seen Emma have a day when she did not give it her all! She also has a witty sense of humor and knows just when to use it!”, as Ms. Bucher adds. In addition, Emma stands out for her big smile, and kind, caring, and inquisitive personality. During her four years at ISR she has made great progress. Her last year’s homeroom teacher, Ms. Schmidt, knows Emma quite well and even though she is no longer her teacher, she has left a lasting impression.
“Emma sets a wonderful example to all who meet and interact with her. She is kind-hearted and caring with an incredible sense of humor. She has a beautiful and brilliant imagination that makes her ideas and works of art shine. Emma is a true friend and always willing to help a friend or fellow student. Her warmth and knowledge make her a wonderful ambassador for our school and she makes new students feel welcome. In addition, she works enthusiastically and puts maximum effort into everything she does. She excels academically and emotionally. Her determination and dedication make her an asset to any classroom and as I was lucky enough to have Emma in my class and I can say without a doubt Emma is fantastic.”
We are very proud to spotlight Emma one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Koharu

Spotlight On Our Student Koharu
This week, we spotlight our fifth-grader Koharu, who joined ISR in 2021. Koharu is a kind, respectful, and articulate student who is always considerate of others. She is motivated, hardworking, and gives her best in class. Koharu is creative and talented in the arts, which can be seen through her drawings. In her free time, she enjoys reading books.
Her academic coordinator, Ms. Brand, adds „Koharu has made a great start in Middle School! She is a wonderful student who has made excellent progress this year, especially in English and Maths. Koharu received third prize in the Kangaru Maths competition and was recently promoted in English. She should be very proud of her efforts. We wish Koharu a wonderful summer break and look forward to a great start to Grade 6!“
We are very proud to spotlight Koharu one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
ISR Robotics Camp 2022
ISR Robotics Camp 2022
Monday, 11 July 2022
Last week, our second successful ISR Robotics Camp took place during the summer break.
Our head of IT department at ISR, Mr. Aloof, successfully implemented the camp with the participating students and showed them the world of Virtual Reality (VR), programming and many other interesting topics of IT. The students had the opportunity to travel to different countries and worlds with the help of VR-Goggles and discover many exciting things.
In addition, the students were allowed to use our 3D printer and create so-called “ISR Coins” on the computer and then print them out. The participants found this extremely exciting! The coins and other printouts, such as a toy cat, were allowed to be taken home by the children as a Robotics Camp souvenir.
Furthermore, the knowledge of the students in the field of programming robots was expanded and they learned different programming languages to operate the robots.
In summary, the ISR Robotics Camp was a great success! The participating students could enjoy a varied program as well as dive into the world of modern technologies!
We are already looking forward to the ISR Robotics Camp in 2023!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Mina

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Mina
Friday, 7 January 2022
This week, we spotlight our eleven-grader Mina, who joined ISR in grade 9. Mina is a very friendly and smiling student, who stands out for her polite and proactive attitude.
“She is a lovely student, mixes well with her classmates and participates in class in discussions or answering questions. She has a lovely, sunny personality with a great sense of humor. Her work ethic is super, with all homework, classwork, and deadlines met either on time or in advance” her Biology teacher, Ms. Knight adds.
Mina impresses not only her Biology teacher, but also her Geography teacher, “Mina is excellent in Geography, working hard. Her presence is always nice and her work ethic is second to none.” Mina also shows a lot of commitment in the CAS subject. She plans to start an “Italian Language Club” soon to teach Italian to classmates, and is a dedicated big sister to a younger student. As her CAS teacher finally adds “I just met her this academic year and she is a wonderful student to work with”.
We are very proud to spotlight Mina one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Tsubasa

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Tsubasa
Friday, 31 December 2021
This week, we spotlight our second-grader Tsubasa, who joined ISR in grade 1. “Tsubasa joined my German Class last year during Term 2. He actively participated in every lesson and showed interest in everything that we were doing. He gives his best in everything he does! I loved having Tsubasa in my German class last year!” his German teacher, Ms. Dopheide, adds.
He is passionate about learning, also about playing football and is very active. His positive nature is contagious, and you will always find Tsubasa with a smile on his face, ready to help anyone in need. ”We love having Tsubasa at ISR!” his academic head, Ms. Morris, adds.
We are very proud to spotlight Tsubasa one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Jakob

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Jakob
Friday, 24 December 2021
This week, we spotlight our second-grader Jakob, who joined ISR in grade 1. Since then, Jakob brings with him positivity and an eagerness to learn. He is very polite, friendly and a hardworking student. He deeply cares for his fellow human and made such great progress in the last school year.
His academic head, Ms. Morris, says about him ”Jakob enjoys learning and works hard during his lessons. He is also incredibly caring and kind and is a friend to everyone. Jakob always has a big smile and a positive attitude. We love having Jakob at ISR!”
We are very proud to spotlight Jakob one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Himari

Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Himari
Friday, 1 October 2021
This week, we spotlight our first-grader Himari, who joined ISR this academic school year. Himari has settled in quickly at ISR, and she is a wonderful member of the ISR family. She is a kind and helpful student who always has a smile on her face. She stands out above all for her sense of responsibility. Himari loves to do sports, as confirmed by Mr. Baumann, head of the sports department, “She always looks forward to the sports lessons and works hard. She always tries to support us teachers, and it is a great pleasure to teach her.”
In the academic field, Himari is exceptionally diligent, she loves to learn and actively participates during classes. Himari’s willingness to help also shows during lessons: “she always checks with those around her to see if they need help with their work” states Ms. Morris – Academic Coordinator of Grades 1 & 2.
We are very proud to spotlight Himari, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024