1. Pre-School Curriculum

We offer an enriching academic-based program with lessons in English, Math, and German where children can learn in a joyful way and can take the first steps toward developing reading and writing skills. We also put great emphasis on children’s social and emotional development, which help children to communicate their needs and build relationships with their peers. Mindfulness practices are introduced to help children identify and appropriately respond to their emotions.
Our pre-school curriculum is a flexible program tailored to the needs of each child. Our Early Years Educators closely monitor the development of each child and you as a parent get one written report per term consisting of comments, but no grades. Educators provide parents with individual progress overview reports twice a year - one in February and one in June.

2. Small Group Sizes & Individual Support

Groups sizes are adjusted to the age of the children, i. e. younger children have smaller groups and more teachers per group as compared to the older children. In this way, we can optimally meet the needs of each individual child.

3. International Teaching Staff

The heart of our Kindergarten are our excellent Early Years Educators. We pride ourselves on having an outstanding team of highly motivated, international, and highly educated Early Years Educators. We also have a high teacher per child ratio. Each group has one Early Years Educator, one or two teacher assistants, and PE teacher.

4. Multilingual world citizens

Our language of instruction is English, however, it is not a requirement for a child to speak English before they start at ISR. Children adapt and learn very fast and our experience shows that children start to speak fluently after only two or three months. All our Early Years Educators are native or near-native English speakers. In addition, children have one hour of German lessons daily.

5. Seamless Transfer into Primary School

All children from our Kindergarten in Düsseldorf will have a guaranteed spot at the ISR primary school in Grade 1. Children coming from ISR Kindergarten are academically and socially more prepared to start primary school at the ISR and on-average perform better than other students in first grade. The children will visit a Grade 1 classrooms in Neuss in Term 3 for a “lesson” and visit the school playground to help them become familiar with the new surroundings and expectations.

7:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Supervision available

6. Full-Day Care

We offer full-day care from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, almost all year round! Our Kindergarten in Düsseldorf is only closed for four weeks: two at Christmas/New Year and two in the summer. During the two weeks closed in the summer the children can attend the ISR Summer School in Neuss.

7. A Brand New and Spacious Building

Our new Kindergarten is centrally located in the heart of Düsseldorf. It is a brand new spacious building with space for 110 children. A complete outdoor play area with bike tracks, jungle gyms, a garden, spacious rooms, play galleries, and lots more.


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ISR Kindergarten Düsseldorf

+49 (0)211 950 74 13

Niederkasseler Kirchweg 36
40547, Düsseldorf – Germany