Japanische Generalkonsulin Setsuko Kawahara besucht den Neusser Standort der internationalen Schule ISR und verabredet verstärkte Kooperationen

Japanische Generalkonsulin Setsuko Kawahara besucht den Neusser Standort der internationalen Schule ISR und verabredet verstärkte Kooperationen

Rund 100 japanische Familien an der ISR belegen die Wichtigkeit der Angebote in Neuss, Düsseldorf und Meerbusch / Hohe akademische Qualität und gute Integration / Wichtige Multiplikator-Funktion im gesamten Rheinland / ISR-Schüler:innen setzen sich ein für den guten Zweck / Spende für japanische Erdbebenopfer

Die japanische Generalkonsulin in Düsseldorf, Setsuko Kawahara, hat bei einem Besuch der ISR International School on the Rhine am Standort in Neuss enge Kooperationen mit der internationalen Schule angekündigt. „Dass sich so viele japanische Familien im Rheinland so wohl fühlen, hat auch mit der guten Auswahl an Schulen für die Kinder in der Region zu tun”, betonte Generalkonsulin Kawahara bei dem Besuch am vergangenen Mittwoch: „Da mehr als 100 japanische Kinder die ISR besuchen, spielt die ISR eine wichtige Rolle sowohl für die hiesige japanische Gemeinde als auch für die Vielfalt der Kultur und Internationalität der Region.”

Japanische Grundschulkinder der ISR begrüßten am Mittwoch die Generalkonsulin gemeinsam und übergaben ihr im Namen der ISR eine Spende für die Erdbebenopfer auf der Halbinsel Noto. Zuvor hatten die Kinder dazu informative Plakate gebastelt und sich für den guten Zweck zusammen mit ihren beiden Japanisch-Lehrerinnen engagiert.

Verabredet wurden im Rahmen des Besuchs darüber hinaus Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit im Hinblick auf Veranstaltungen an der Schule, die der internationalen Schülerschaft an der ISR japanische Traditionen und Bräuche näherbringt. Peter Soliman, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR, betonte die gute Zusammenarbeit auf allen Ebenen: „Das Generalkonsulat ist für uns ein wichtiger Ansprechpartner, weil wir so viele Hinweise und Möglichkeiten bekommen, um auf die Bedürfnisse der Familien noch besser eingehen und bei Bedarf helfen zu können.“ Aktuell sind so viele japanische Kinder an der ISR wie nie zuvor. Soliman: „Die japanischen Familien engagieren sich bei Schulveranstaltungen und im Schulleben der ISR ganz besonders und teilen unsere Werte, die wir hier an der ISR verkörpern.“ Insgesamt sind 60 unterschiedliche Nationen unter den ISR-Familien vertreten.

Die ISR International School on the Rhine GmbH mit den drei Standorten in Neuss, Düsseldorf und Meerbusch ist eine privat geführte internationale Ganztagsschule. Mehr als 1.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Region und aus aller Welt bereiten sich gemeinsam auf international anerkannte Schulabschlüsse vor. Akademische Exzellenz und Charakterbildung stehen im Zentrum der Ausbildung und qualifizieren für ein Studium an führenden Universitäten in Deutschland und weltweilt. Für jüngere Kinder bietet die ISR einen internationalen Kindergarten auf dem ISR-Campus in Neuss, in Düsseldorf-Niederkassel sowie eine deutschsprachige Dependance in Meerbusch-Büderich. Anfragen zu Kindergarten, Grundschule und weiterführender Schule werden ganzjährig entgegengenommen: admissions@isr-school.de.

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Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Suleiman

Spotlight On Our Student Suleiman

This week, we spotlight our second-grader Suleiman, who joined ISR in 2023. Suleiman possesses a kind and caring character that quickly endeared him to his teachers. Ms. Hartmann says, “Suleiman joined ISR only this academic year, but he embodies all our ISR characteristics. He is not only an amazing student academically, but he is also a kind, friendly, and polite person. He helps anyone in class who needs it, is a good friend to his fellow classmates, and is always willing to learn. Additionally, he is funny, confident, and wonderful to have in class. He absolutely deserves to be spotlighted!”

Even his PE teacher, Mr. Nous, confirms that he is not only an excellent listener and attentive, but also exhibits leadership skills. Ms. Morris adds “Suleiman is an excellent student and a joy to have in the classroom. He is incredibly kind and caring, always offering a helping hand to any student in need. Suleiman is a highly engaged student who is always ready to share interesting thoughts and ideas with the class. He keeps everyone laughing with his bright personality”.

We are very proud to spotlight Suleiman, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.

Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Mehul

Spotlight On Our Student Mehul

This week, we again spotlight our now 10th-grader, Mehul, who has developed enormously and positively in recent years. Since Grade 4, Mehul has been a part of the ISR Family and is also a highly engaged member of the Student Leadership Council, as confirmed by Ms. Bowien. “Mehul is a prefect and a member of the Social Involvement Department of the SLC Department. He is very responsible and helpful. I was Mehul’s Math teacher last year, and I can say with confidence that he is very mathematically gifted! Not only that, he is also a diligent student and a hard worker.” Mehul stands out as a dedicated and conscientious student who always gives his best in class. In addition, he is a friendly and open-minded young man.

His teacher, Mr. Kirk, says about him, “Mehul has an excellent attitude towards his studies and has shown this through amazing academic performance in Grade 10. He also contributes to a positive class atmosphere by regularly supporting his classmates and asking questions.” Furthermore, Mehul is a very talented chess player. He recently took part in the German Amateur Chess Tournament – with great success. Mehul won four out of five games, securing the 4th place in his group. The tournament was attended by over 650 chess enthusiasts this time. With this great achievement, he again perfectly embodies our ISR motto, which we live by: “It’s cool to be good!” Congratulations, Mehul, on your successful participation and achievements!

We are very proud to spotlight Mehul, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.

Path to University Presentation

Path to University Presentation at ISR

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

One of the pivotal decisions in a child’s academic journey revolves around selecting a university that sets the stage for a successful and fulfilling future.

At ISR, our committed University and Career Counseling Team, consisting of three full-time staff members, offers guidance to students starting from the conclusion of Grade 8. Ms. Wacker, Ms. Jadistra, and Mr. Bates offer counsel on subject choices, provide insights into universities, and outline the necessary requirements for students to meet.

Today, our Head of UCC, Ms. Wacker, and Ms. Jordanova, Academic Head for Grades 9 and 10, hosted a Path to University Presentation for our Upper School students and their families, creating an opportunity for parents and students to gather information about available options and engage with our experienced team.

In addition to these efforts, our UCC Team regularly travels to universities worldwide, organizes in-house university fairs, and coaches our students to navigate the path to their desired university.

As a Top College Prep School, we consider these measures as crucial opportunities to support our students.

Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Nina

Spotlight On Our Student Nina

This week, we spotlight our sixth-grader Nina, who joined ISR kindergarten. Since Grade 1, Nina has shown academic excellence and her journey has been nothing short of exemplary, marked by unwavering dedication, tireless effort, and an innate ability to stay on track. Ms. Brand, Academic Head of Grades 5 and 6 says that, “Nina’s commitment to her studies has always been evident. From the early days of Primary School, she exhibited a work ethic that set her apart. No challenge was too daunting, and no task too demanding for Nina. It was evident from the outset that she possessed a rare combination of intellectual curiosity and a resilient spirit, making her a beacon of inspiration for her peers.  Beyond her academic prowess, Nina’s altruistic nature has left an indelible mark on the school community. She is always ready to extend a helping hand to her fellow students, going above and beyond to ensure everyone around her succeeds. Her willingness to assist others, coupled with a genuine kindness that knows no bounds, has made her a beloved figure among her classmates. Nina is not just a student; she is a role model. Her ability to balance academic excellence with a compassionate heart is a testament to her character. Whether it’s collaborating on group projects or offering guidance to a struggling classmate, Nina consistently demonstrates the qualities of a true leader. Congratulations, Nina, on being an exceptional student and an inspiration to us all. May your future endeavors be as bright as the light you have brought to our school community.”

In addition, Nina stands out for her creativity as her art teacher Ms. Schultz confirms. “She is very creative and she even participates in the Art and Crafts,(SEA/ Electives) program.” Nina’s versatility in her interests and her warm personality are impressive and ensure that all her teachers are not only enthusiastic about her, but also see her as a role model themselves. This also confirms her English teacher, Mr. Kubrick. “I have her in my English class, and she is an exemplary role model for her classmates. Both as a student and as an individual, Nina has been a positive force here at ISR.”

We are very proud to spotlight Nina, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.