Bundesweiter Spitzenplatz für Neusser ISR-Schüler
Bundesweiter Spitzenplatz für Neusser ISR-Schüler
Thursday, 21 March 2024
In: Rheinische Post
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Uono
Spotlight On Our Student Uono
This week, we spotlight our ninth-grade student, Uono. He joined ISR in 2019 and has truly blossomed in his first year in the ISR Upper School. Ms. Jordanova, our Academic Coordinator for Grades 9–10 says: “Uono is exceptionally talented in art, demonstrating creativity and dedication in equal measure. Not only does he excel in his artistic pursuits, but he also maintains a strong commitment to his academic responsibilities.” Ms. Jordanova also praises Uono’s caring personality: “Uono’s respectful attitude towards his classmates further illustrates his character, making him a valued and respected member of his community. His ability to harmonize his passions and duties, all while fostering a positive environment, truly sets him apart.”
Uono’s former Mathematics teacher, Mr. Nisic, also comments on his commitment to developing his academic abilities: “As Uono’s previous teacher, I can say that Uono’s been progressing in math, facing every challenge head-on. It’s been a journey with him, that changed him and all of us a lot.”
Uono’s dynamic character is highlighted by his commitment to his favorite sport. His Sports teacher, Mr. Nous, says: “Uono doesn’t go anywhere without his basketball, so sport is always on his mind.” Uono is a student of many interests who can truly benefit from the opportunities and support he experiences at ISR.
This week we celebrate Uono and his dedication to furthering his academic and creative goals. We look forward to seeing what he will accomplish in the future and are happy to have him as part of our Student Community.
We are very proud to spotlight Uono, one of ISR’s many outstanding students.
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
September 6, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Emma
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Sayeed
Spotlight On Our Student Sayeed
This week, we are proud to spotlight our second-grader Sayeed, who joined ISR this year. He was enthusiastically nominated for the Student Spotlight by his teacher, Ms. Hartmann, who has been very impressed with his development and integration into the ISR Primary School. She says, “Sayeed is a friendly, polite, and brilliant second-grader. He always has a smile on his face and is excited about learning and school. Sayeed is a fantastic friend to everyone in class and if someone needs help, he is always there for you. I am blessed to be his teacher this year and can’t wait to see what bright future lies ahead for him.”
Sayeed has also distinguished himself in his music class. His teacher, Ms. Ewing, explains, “Sayeed is a fantastic student who always displays enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards learning. He has made a great adjustment to ISR and does really well during music activities, such as being a good group leader during composition assignments or singing along with a smile to every song. He is a delight to teach!”
In his Social and Emotional Learning lessons, Sayeed also stands out. His teacher, Ms. Morris, tells us, “Sayeed is a joy to have in the classroom. He is an incredibly focused student who takes learning very seriously, but he always manages to have fun. Sayeed is a deep thinker and often adds a new dimension to class discussions with his perspective. He is a kind, empathetic and hard-working student!”
This week, we celebrate Sayeed and his amazing achievements in his first year at ISR. We look forward to seeing what he will accomplish in the future and are happy to have him as part of our Student Community.
We are very proud to spotlight Sayeed, one of ISR’s many outstanding students.
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
September 6, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Emma
Ein Schüler der ISR International School on the Rhine wurde in Neuss für die bundesweit beste Mathematik-Klausur bei den Cambridge-zertifizierten Prüfungen IGCSE ausgezeichnet
Ein Schüler der ISR International School on the Rhine wurde in Neuss für die bundesweit beste Mathematik-Klausur bei den Cambridge-zertifizierten Prüfungen IGCSE ausgezeichnet
Der 16-jährige Dan Xinyang aus Düsseldorf erhielt 196 von 200 Punkten bei den IGCSE-Prüfungen nach Klasse 10 / Die gesamte ISR Jahrgangsstufe erzielte Top-Ergebnisse, auch im weltweiten Vergleich / Bereits drei ISR-Schüler:innen in Mathematik für bundesweites Spitzen-Ergebnis ausgezeichnet
Der 16-jährige Dan Xiao aus Düsseldorf, Schüler der ISR International School on the Rhine Neuss/Düsseldorf/Meerbusch, erreichte bei den Abschlussprüfungen nach der Klasse 10 das bundesweit beste Ergebnis im Fach Mathematik. Der Cambridge-zertifizierte IGCSE-Test – eine zum Ende der Sekundarstufe I erfolgende wichtige Prüfung im britischen Schulsystem – wurde weltweit in 130 Ländern absolviert; 105.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler englischsprachiger Schulen nahmen parallel teil. Das IGCSE wird von akademischen Einrichtungen, Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgebern weltweit als Vorstufe zum International Baccalaureate anerkannt. Britische Universitäten – aber auch weltweit – sehen sich diese Ergebnisse zudem sorgfältig bei Bewerbungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern an, wodurch die Prüfung besonders bedeutsam ist.
Für Dan, der seit 2020 Schüler an der ISR ist, kam die Auszeichnung überraschend. „Dass ich so gut abschneide und eine Auszeichnung erhalte, hatte ich nicht erwartet. Umso dankbarer bin ich über das Zertifikat, welches nicht nur meine guten Leistungen attestiert, sondern auch die stetige Unterstützung meiner Lehrkräfte. Mir hat es gezeigt, dass harte Arbeit sich immer auszahlt.“ Dan überlegt jetzt mehr denn je, später vielleicht ein mathematisches oder naturwissenschaftliches Fach zu studieren.
Die ISR-Schuldirektorin Eileen Lyons überreichte in Neuss Dan Xiao die „Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award“-Auszeichnung von Cambridge. Zufrieden war Eileen Lyons nicht nur mit dem Mathematik-Spitzenplatz von Dan, sondern auch mit dem Gesamtergebnis der ISR-Schülerinnen und Schüler. 60 Prozent erreichten – in einem Notenspektrum von A* für die beste Note bis G – die Bestnote A. Weltweit haben 18 Prozent so gut abgeschlossen. Lyons: „Die ISR-Gemeinschaft ist überaus stolz auf Dans herausragende akademische Leistungen. Um diese zu ermöglichen, fördern wir unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler optimal und individuell. Unser Schulmotto: „It’s cool to be good“ wird mit dieser Auszeichnung ideal repräsentiert. Bei der Entgegennahme seines Zertifikats betonte Dans Reaktion zudem seine große Bescheidenheit.“
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler absolvieren im Rahmen des IGCSE Prüfungen in acht bis fünfzehn Fächern. Diese ermöglichen nicht nur weltweit Schulwechsel und andere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten, sondern sind für die Schülerinnen und Schülern bei ihrer Entscheidung im Hinblick auf die weitere Fächerwahl für das International Baccalaureate besonders wichtig. Dieses wird nach der 12. Klasse absolviert und ermöglicht den Zugang zu führenden Universitäten weltweit.
Dan Xiao sorgte zum dritten Mal für einen ISR-Spitzenplatz in Mathematik. „Dies ist eine sehr erfreuliche Quote und kein Zufall“, freut sich Peter Soliman, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR. „Viele unserer Absolvierenden wählen MINT-Fächer für ihr Studium nach der ISR. Daher ist die gute Vorbereitung während der Schulzeit, auch angesichts der technologischen Entwicklung, ein wichtiger Teil unserer internationalen akademischen Ausbildung. Gerade die neuen Impulse durch künstliche Intelligenz eröffnen den jungen Leuten viele neue Möglichkeiten. Beispielsweise etablieren wir gerade ein KI-Lab, damit unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler bestens auf die Zukunft vorbereitet werden.“
Die ISR International School on the Rhine GmbH mit den drei Standorten in Neuss, Düsseldorf und Meerbusch ist eine privat geführte internationale Ganztagsschule. Mehr als 1.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Region und aus aktuell 60 Ländern aus aller Welt bereiten sich gemeinsam auf international anerkannte Schulabschlüsse vor. Akademische Exzellenz und Charakterbildung stehen im Zentrum der Ausbildung und qualifizieren für ein Studium an führenden Universitäten in Deutschland und weltweilt. Für jüngere Kinder bietet die ISR einen internationalen Kindergarten auf dem ISR-Campus in Neuss, in Düsseldorf-Niederkassel sowie eine deutschsprachige Dependance in Meerbusch-Büderich. Anfragen zu Kindergarten, Grundschule und weiterführender Schule werden ganzjährig entgegengenommen: admissions@isr-school.de.
Happy International Women´s Day
Happy International Women’s Day
Friday, 8 March 2024
Today, we wish to celebrate women.
Women who make an impact, women who are brave, women who encourage others, and women’s rights and equality.
We are celebrating International Women’s Day, a day dedicated to promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality around the world.
At ISR, we pride ourselves on creating an environment where every student, regardless of gender, is equally supported. Among both — students and staff — we value our strong community and are proud of the following facts and figures:
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked a special question: What do our male students and colleagues think about International Women’s Day? Who has inspired them, and what ideas do they wish to share related to the topic?
Let’s take a moment to honor the women who have paved the way for progress, fought for equality, and continue to shape a brighter future for generations to come. This day is dedicated to women and the appreciation they deserve.
Happy International Women’s Day, ISR Community!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Dan
Spotlight On Our Student Dan
This week, we are proud to spotlight our eleventh-grader Xinyang, known to his friends and teachers as Dan.
Dan joined ISR in 2020 and is a remarkable student! He was recently honored for his achievement on the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Examination with the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award from Cambridge. The eleventh grader earned the highest score in Germany with an impressive 196 out of 200 points, a 98%! But there is much more to Dan than his impressive academic performance, as his ISR teachers explain.
“Dan speaks softly and carries a big brain. As his TOK teacher, I can attest to all the interesting insights Dan has to offer on problems simple and complicated. He is always happy to contribute in class, ask pertinent questions, and quick to help others. He’s truly a delight to teach!”, says Mr. McGee from the ISR Humanities Department. Ms. Mitchell from the ISR Science Department adds, “Dan is an excellent scientist, has a fantastic work ethic and a kind spirit. He puts himself fully into everything he does.”
Ms. Wacker from the ISR UCC Department adds: “Dan aims to study Engineering or Physics in Switzerland, UK, Germany, or Singapore. He is a very strong and ambitious student; plays badminton, chess and the guitar and enjoys reading fiction and non-fiction!”
Dan is also a member of the ISR Student Leadership Counsil, working with his fellow students on the topic of Physical Health and Well-being. SLC Coordinator, Ms. Bowien explains that Dan “is a very involved and helpful student. He takes feedback very seriously and he is very helpful!”.
Ms. Macanovic, who has worked with Dan for many years, explains, “Dan is a wonderful student! Polite, considerate of everyone, and academically very strong! Even when he was in Grade 8, he had the same great qualities, so this shows his maturity level.”
We are proud to spotlight Dan, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
September 6, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Emma
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Valeria
Spotlight On Our Student Valeria
This week, we spotlight our fourth-grader Valeria, who joined ISR in 2019. Valeria has had a remarkable journey of growth at ISR. She is an exceptional and focused student who values accuracy in her studies. Ms. Ghica, ISR’s Academic Head for Grade 1, has known Valeria for many years and wanted to share some heartfelt thoughts. “Valeria has been a shining star since the day she first stepped into our classrooms in Grade 1. Over the years, I have had the privilege of watching her grow into the extraordinary student she is today. Her journey has been nothing short of inspiring.” Ms. Ghica goes into say, “From the very beginning, it was evident that Valeria possessed a keen intellect and an insatiable curiosity. She approached every lesson with enthusiasm, always eager to delve deeper into the subject matter. What truly sets Valeria apart is her exceptional attention to detail. Whether it’s in her assignments, presentations, or class discussions, she consistently demonstrates a level of precision and thoroughness that is truly impressive. Well done, Valeria!”
Her former teacher, Ms. Hartmann, also has praise for Valeria, “Valeria is an amazing student. She is always happy, friendly, a great friend to everyone and has a beautiful soul. Valeria is an excellent student and truly reflects our ISR spirit of enabling great minds and strong characters. I was blessed to teach Valeria for two years and truly miss being her teacher. She has a bright future ahead and I can’t wait to see how bright Valeria will shine.”
We are very proud to spotlight Valeria, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
September 6, 2024