ISR Tuition Fees
All daily operations, activities, and investments are funded from tuition fees with the sole purpose of providing an excellent education for our students.
ISR continues to maintain a strong financial position and healthy balance sheet. ISR is 100% financed by tuition fees – no funds from public budgets are involved. As a privately financed educational institution, the kindergarten and school fees at ISR vary by grade level.
To determine the costs that are relevant to you, please fill out our applicant’s questionnaire:
Please note that the kindergarten fees for our Düsseldorf and Meerbusch branches differ from the fees charged in Neuss. If you are interested in the fees for the ISR Kindergarten in Düsseldorf or the ISR Kindergarten in Meerbusch, please email each branch.

ISR International School on the Rhine
+49 (0)2131 40388-0
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 2
41464 Neuss, Germany