Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Yuto

Spotlight On Our Student Yuto
This week, we put the ISR spotlight on our 2nd grader Yuto. Yuto has been at ISR since 2018. His German teacher Ms. Feinstein says “he might be a quiet student but pays close attention in class and works very hard to succeed. He knows when to ask questions and continuously volunteers to help. Yuto is a good friend and role model to his peers.
It’s a pleasure to have him in my class.” His current homeroom teacher Ms. Carolus could not agree more. “Yuto is hardworking and a joy to teach. He loves being challenged in Math” she says. Mr. Mo adds that Yuto, who loves sport, is very active and is an amazing soccer player.
We are proud to spotlight Yuto, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Subramanian

Spotlight On Our Student Subramanian
This week, we shine the ISR spotlight on our 4th grader Subramanian, or for short, Subu. It is his first year at ISR but he is already a solid part of our family. “Subu is an excellent student who is as smart as helpful. He does his work diligently and with great enthusiasm. He is a great team player as well, supporting other students with his knowledge and kindness” says his teacher Mr. Winkelmann.
Also his athletic teacher Ms. Schierl confirms that Subu always enriches her Monday athletic class: “he is always the first one to ask what we are going to do in today’s lesson, is always ready to kick off immediately and always has a positive and cheerful manner that easy rubs off on the people around him” says Ms. Schierl.
Last Friday, as more than 90 players competed against each other in the Regional School Chess Championships and our Primary students placed 2nd to qualify for the next round in Düsseldorf, Subu was particularly outstanding as he won all his matches and was honored as the best player of the entire tournament! Congratulations Subu!
We are proud to spotlight Subu, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Regional School Chess Championships at the ISR
Regional School Chess Championships at the ISR
- Thursday, 20 February 2020

Last Friday, we hosted the Regional School Chess Championships in the ISR sports hall. In the morning session, twelve Primary Schools with more than 90 players competed against each other. Our grade 4 student Subramanian was particularly outstanding as he won all his matches and was honored as the best player of the entire tournament.
As a team, our Primary students placed 2nd and qualified for the first time for the next round in Düsseldorf. In the afternoon, our Middle School team competed and was able to achieve an excellent third place. A huge ISR thanks to our chess coaches Mr. Bernhard Stillger and Mr. Laurence Webb who prepared our teams and coached them during the tournament.
Former Federal President of Germany visits ISR
Former Federal President of Germany visits ISR
- Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Yesterday, another special highlight in the history of ISR took place. The former Federal President of Germany, Mr. Christian Wulff, accompanied by the China expert Mr. Marcus Hernig, visited our school and gave a captivating lecture on the Chinese economy, the partnership between Germany and China, and the planned Silk Road.
More than 300 guests, including the mayor and the Landrat of Neuss, the mayor of Meerbusch, the Chinese Consul General and his Vice-Consul, the Turkish Consul General, and many more attended this special and high-profile event which was held in the ISR sports hall. After the exciting presentations, our guests were invited to ask the two speakers some questions to finish the stage program with an open dialogue. The event was rounded off later by a nice get-together in the end with finger food, drinks, and some fascinating conversations.
We would like to thank Mr. Wulff as well as Mr. Hernig for taking the time to visit ISR and for their fascinating presentations in front of our guests. We would also like to thank our co-organizers, the Deutsch Chinesische Gesellschaft Neuss as well as the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein, and our sponsors for their commitment and contribution to such a successful evening.
Carnival Prince and Princess of Neuss visit ISR
Carnival Prince and Princess of Neuss visit ISR
- Saturday, 15 February 2020

We always try to show our students new traditions from different cultures, which leads us to the beautiful tradition of Carnival. For several years now, the Carnival Prince and Princess of Neuss have visited us to bring the tradition of Carnival closer to the ISR community. Last Wednesday, our Talentproject students saw this first-hand as the Prince and Princess visited a friendly football match they played against VfR Krefeld-Fischeln B (Youth) Team and donated some footballs, which can now be used for training as well as by our students in the schoolyard!
We would like to thank the Carnival Prince and Princess of Neuss for their visit and look forward to maintaining a long lasting friendship with the Carnival Committee of Neuss!
Das Neusser Prinzenpaar besucht mit Leibgarde die ISR Neuss – Tradition trifft auf Internationalität
Das Neusser Prinzenpaar besucht mit Leibgarde die ISR Neuss – Tradition trifft auf Internationalität
Friday, 14 February 2020
Das Neusser Prinzenpaar besuchte am Mittwoch, den 12. Februar 2020, mit seiner Leibgarde den Sportplatz der ISR International School on the Rhine in Neuss. Dort begleiteten die Mitglieder des Neusser Karnevalsausschusses ein Freundschaftsspiel der amerikanischen Spieler des Talentprojektes gegen die B-Jugend des VfR Krefeld-Fischeln.
Die amerikanischen Fußballer besuchen seit August 2019 als Gastschüler die internationale Schule und spielen als Mannschaft für den PSV Neuss. Durch den Besuch des Prinzenpaares mit seiner Leibgarde wurde den Spielern aus den USA so zum ersten Mal der schöne Brauch des Karnevals nähergebracht.
Auch Karsten Baumann, ehemaliger Bundesligaspieler und Trainer, war bei dem Zusammentreffen vor Ort: „Es war schön zu sehen, wie sich die beiden Mannschaften über den Besuch des Prinzenpaares gefreut haben und besonders, dass wir dadurch unseren amerikanischen Spielern zeigen konnten, wie bei uns im Rheinland Karneval gefeiert wird“. Jakob Beyen, Vorsitzender des Karnevalsausschusses Neuss, war von der Begegnung gleichermaßen begeistert: „Unser Karnevalsausschuss pflegt eine enge Partnerschaft mit einer der Partnerstädte der Stadt Neuss, Saint Paul in den USA. Daher war das heutige Zusammentreffen mit den amerikanischen Spielern eine besonders große Freude für uns.“ Als Geschenk spendete der Neusser Karnevalsausschuss den Nachwuchstalenten einige Fußbälle, welche fortan für das Training und auf dem Schulhof genutzt werden können.
Mit dem Besuch des Prinzenpaares knüpft die ISR an eine langjährige Freundschaft mit dem Neusser Karnevalsausschuss an. Schon in den vergangenen Jahren kamen die Prinzenpaare und Leibgarden immer wieder zur ISR, um den inzwischen über 1.000 Schülern aus insgesamt 47 Nationen die Tradition des Karnevals näherzubringen und mit der Schülerschaft der ISR zu feiern. „Wir sind sehr dankbar über die gute Beziehung zu dem Neusser Karnevalsausschuss und freuen uns, dass sich die Prinzenpaare jedes Jahr die Zeit nehmen, den Kindergarten der ISR sowie auch die Schule zu besuchen. In diesem Jahr war das Treffen besonders bereichernd, da wir unseren amerikanischen Gastschülern so noch eine schöne Erinnerung mit auf den Weg geben konnten“, betont Peter Soliman, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR.
Am kommenden Samstag treten zudem Schüler der ISR bei der vom Neusser Karnevalsausschuss initiierten Karnevalsfeier im Rheinparkcenter der Stadt Neuss auf und runden so die diesjährige Karnevalssession gelungen ab.
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Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Hendrik

Spotlight On Our Student Hendrik
This week we shine the spotlight our 10th grader Hendrik, who has been at ISR since 2017. However, as he also spent his first four years of school at ISR, he is a beloved returning student. Hendrik is not only an excellent student and an avid reader, but also a very talented musician with a long history of awards for successfully playing the clarinet.
Since December last year he is even part of the “Jungen Bläserphilharmonie NRW”, a youth ensemble for talented young musicians in North Rhine Westphalia. In January the ensemble performed live on the WDR3 national radio!
Henrik is very friendly, well-liked and popular among his peers. His former homeroom teacher Ms. Shepard fondly remembers Hendrik and in particular how he was always ready to help. “Hendrik could always be depended upon to complete any job properly and responsibly. I’m delighted to see him in our student spotlight” says Ms. Shepard.
We are proud to spotlight Hendrik, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Yuiko

Spotlight On Our Student Yuiko
This week, we shine the spotlight on our Kindergarten student Yuiko. Yuiko is a bright, active and inquisitive little girl and, whatever the challenge, Yuiko is on it! She is caring and always demonstrates concern for her peers, and this is what makes her so valued in the classroom. She is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school every single day: you just have to look at her to see this!
“If you ask Yuiko to help create a story, that story is going to be full of funny creatures with strange powers that takes place in a world of rainbows! You will discover how creative, smart and funny she is. It was a real pleasure to teach her last year. She makes us all so proud!” says her former teacher Ms. Zahri. “Ms. Zahri is so right!” adds her current teacher Ms. Ramirez, “Yuiko is fearless, compassionate, helpful, well mannered, intelligent and still makes room to be so fun and silly. Mrs. Elena and I are BEYOND lucky to have her be a part of Kinder. Yuiko is a bright shining star!”
We are proud to spotlight Yuiko, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
New chef in the ISR kitchen!
New chef in the ISR kitchen!
- Wednesday, 05 February 2020

Our caterers Broich Catering & Locations are starting the new year with exciting news! As of February, our school lunch is freshly cooked on site in the kitchen at ISR! Their chef Victor Kordis will move from Düsseldorf to Neuss to cook the food from scratch at school, each and every day.
With this Broich hope to be able to respond better to individual wishes and preferences of our students, and to become even more flexible. We welcome Mr. Kordis and his team to ISR and look forward to a tasty lunch!