Turkish General Consul Visits ISR
Turkish General Consul Visits ISR
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Today we had the honor of welcoming Turkish General Consul Ms. Gürel to ISR. Our school management team, our Turkish parent community, and our kindergarteners warmly welcomed General Consul Gürel with a poster handmade by our KG students.
After the warm welcome, everyone gathered in the conference room and had a lively and insightful discussion about our school and other related matters.
At ISR, we value the importance of our international families from over 41 nations and we strive to make connections across these international groups. We are particularly pleased that the Turkish General Consul took time out of her busy schedule to visit the school and to meet with the families. Thank you.
A special thanks goes to our dedicated Turkish mothers, who lovingly decorated the conference room in advance and provided a delicious traditional buffet for our important visitor!
RWTH Aachen University visit
RWTH Aachen University visit
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Last Monday, a group of Grade 10 and 11 students, accompanied by Ms. Wacker and Ms. Dickers, attended the RWTH Aachen open day. The students enjoyed a full day of informative talks about the various STEM degree courses offered at the university and were also able to visit departments and see some of Aachen.
At ISR, it is very important for us to regularly visit different universities with our students. We do so in order to show our students all the options that are available to them even it means visiting institutions across borders. This summer, some of our students will have the incredible opportunity to visit different Universities in the US for this very reason.
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Felicia

Spotlight On Our Student Felicia
With a big heart for others! Felicia, in Grade 6, is an exceptionally positive, caring, and active student.
Not only does she bring joy to others by singing in the school choir and being part of our modern dance group, but she is also committed to helping others through her wonderful sawing skills in the “Heart 2 Heart” charity project. This project, initially started by American International Women’s Club of Düsseldorf (AIWCD), makes heart-shaped pillows for breast cancer patients, as a way to spread joy and help relieve pain while patients are in the hospital. Felicia has showed enthusiasm for the Heart 2 Heart project and works hard each week.
We are proud to spotlight Felicia, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 7, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student George
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Field Trip to Museum Kunstpalast
Field Trip to Museum Kunstpalast
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Last Wednesday Grades 4 A and B visited the museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf. They participated in two different guided tours: First one was called “Achtung Kunst-Viren!” (Warning! Art Virus).
During this tour, the students were provided with an overview of artworks from different countries in Europe, Japan and the Islamic art realm. The overview demonstrated exciting signs of cultural transfer and intercultural dialogue.
The second guided tour was called “Chemie der Farbe” (Chemistry of Colors) and showed how artists and painters can turn into chemists and scientists. The old masters of painting have always experimented with different ways of obtaining colour. This time around, it is the students’ turn to try their hand at candle wax painting using elderberry juice, lemon juice and salt.
The whole museum visit showed students that art is in no way boring but a lively experience and an interesting way of expressing oneself.
DELF Certificates at ISR
DELF Certificates at ISR
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Yesterday 22 of our students received their DELF Scolaire Diplomas, diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to prove the French-language skills of non-French candidates. ISR students received these special certificates for successfully completing their French language A1, A2, and B1 courses!
Great job and congratulations to all our “French speaking” students!
Indian Harvest Festival
Indian Harvest Festival
Monday, 21 January 2019
On Saturday, together with ISR’s Indian community, we celebrated the Indian Harvest Festivals of – Lohri, Makar Sankranti, and Pongal here on campus. What an amazing and colorful event! Our Indian community organized great performances with music and dance, incredibly beautiful costumes, delicious Indian food, and other fun activities.
The highlight of the festival was a traditional bonfire accompanied by Indian drums to celebrate the end of the winter season and to rejoice and celebrate the beginning of longer days.
We would like to thank all our families and guests for this successful event!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our ISR Sound Crew

Spotlight On Our ISR Sound Crew
Our Sound & Stage Engineering Crew, Merlin 7A, Yixin 7B and Camren 8B, are part of a new SLO® team who have an interest in looking at the technical side of performances.
After spending time exploring the school’s sound system the team did an amazing job assisting the Winter Concert performances from KG through Grade 5. In addition to providing the technical support for each concert, the team learned how to deal with the pressures of live performances. The Sound & Stage Engineering Crew is already an invaluable asset to our school in supporting any event where sound & staging is required!
We are proud to spotlight Merlin, Yixin and Camren, three of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 7, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student George
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Jolina

Spotlight On Our Student Jolina
A star in school and a star on stage! Jolina has been at ISR since Kindergarten and is now in Grade 7. She loves to dance and sing and just played one of the main characters in the SLO® Drama Club’s Christmas production of “Elf”.
She worked very hard to prepare herself and her peers for their performance and was always one of the first actors to memorize her lines. Both performances, the one here at school and the one at the International English Library in Düsseldorf, were a huge success. As she dreams of becoming an actress Jolina also continues to deliver high results in school and keep a positive attitude.
We are proud to spotlight Jolina, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 7, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student George
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
ISR Supports Promising Young Athletes
ISR Supports Promising Young Athletes
Friday, 11 January 2019
Some of you might remember Nina Hemmer, Olympic Women’s Wrestler, and Ole Grammann, Long Jump Track and Field Champion, from our Family Fun and Sports Day last year. ISR is proud to sponsor and support the future career of these two promising young athletes.
If you are interested in finding out more about Nina and Ole, please read this article that was published in the NGZ (the article is in german).
Unterstützung auf dem Weg zu Olympia
Unterstützung auf dem Weg zu Olympia
Thursday, 10 January 2019
In: Neuß-Grevenbroicher Zeitung (NGZ)