Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Luis
Spotlight On Our Student Luis
Luis, Grade 9, started at ISR in Kindergarten and since then he has continued to enrich the ISR community. He is a wonderful student whose talents reach far beyond the classroom. He has been performing magic shows, not only at ISR events, but also at children’s birthdays and other events for many years. Magic is his great passion and so he enchants his audience with his charming, cheeky, and funny demeanour on stage.
He is also involved in plays and other performances outside of school and feels really comfortable on stage. Luis is a valued member of the ISR community and is always friendly and helpful to his teachers and classmates. Luis always has an open ear for his classmates and is at their side with wise words of advice. Through his empathy, he gives his classmates a secure feeling and is a popular contact person in his class. This young man is far ahead of his age in many respects and we are very proud to be able to highlight him as a positive example today!
We are proud to spotlight Luis, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our Student Spotlight project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if its academic success, a special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
ISR Spirit Day: Students dressed in ISR School Colors
ISR Spirit Day: Students dressed in ISR School Colors
Friday, 30 August 2019
Today, students, staff, and teachers alike dressed up in ISR colors for our Back to School Spirit Day! Students embraced this spirit day and red, blue, and yellow could be seen across the school. To make this day even sweeter, Spirit, our school mascot, joined us in the foyer in the morning and welcomed students and our Head and Deputy Head Prefects from our student leadership team handed out pencil and easers to each student. What a great way to start the weekend!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Maria Lucia
Spotlight On Our Student Maria Lucia
Maria Lucia, Grade 10, has been at ISR for seven years and she is a kind and charismatic young student. Currently, Maria Lucia is the Deputy Head of the Management Department in ISR’s Student Life Organization®. After being involved in SLO® for many years as a Senior Prefect, Maria Lucia has already started to excel as a leader as she brings energy, fresh ideas, and enthusiasm to her department. She can be found in the SLO® Office on a daily basis and is always leading by example.
Academically, Maria Lucia is a strong student who is interested in business and economics and has a passion for debate and “Model United Nations”. Maria Lucia is also somewhat of a polyglot, speaking 5 different languages. She takes French here at ISR, speaks English, German, and Spanish, and she is learning and reading Italian on her own time. Pretty Impressive!
We are proud to spotlight Maria Lucia, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our Student Spotlight project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if its academic success, a special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
First Day of School at ISR
First Day of School at ISR
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Today, we warmly welcomed all ISR First Graders to their first day of school! Students and their parents arrived on campus early for a photo session and the annual “Schultüte” ceremony where each child received a traditional school cone. Some children additionally brought their own very colorfully decorated school cones from home, a special tradition unique to Germany.
The Schultüte helps mark the special moment when a child leaves Kindergarten to go on to primary school to begin their official academic career. Parents fill the colorful cones with treats, school supplies, and small gifts and give them to their children the day they become first-graders. ISR is proud to keep this fun and inspiring tradition live for every ISR student.
We wish all our first graders all the best for their first year of school and welcome all students and parents (back) to our community!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Haruto
Spotlight On Our Student Haruto
Haruto, will start in 9th grade next week, and is an extraordinary student. He started one year ago with and went from English Beginner to Advance in just one year! He is also showing great academic achievements and progress. However, he is not only a good student but an excellent athlete in both Soccer and Track and Field.
Haruto is also always the first one dressed and ready to play on the soccer pitch. He also got the highest score among all the students at ISR in the Track and Field competition before the summer break. Haruto is a great team player, a highly motivated student and athlete, and a great friend!
We are proud to spotlight Haruto, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
SLO® Leadership Team: Vision for the upcoming school year
SLO® Leadership Team: Vision for the upcoming school year
Friday, 16 August 2019
Today, the 10 members of the SLO® Leadership Team presented their ideas, goals, and objectives for the new school year to ISR staff members. Lead by Head Prefect Henning, the 9 Deputy Heads presented with poise, sophistication, and maturity in front of about 150 staff members. Their vision of the year is to make ISR’s Student Life Organization® more interactive, impactful, and memorable for the entire ISR community.
We know without a doubt that these student leaders will shine this school year and we wish them the best of luck!
Outstanding IGCSE Results
Outstanding IGCSE Results
Friday, 16 August 2019
We’re more than happy to announce this year’s outstanding IGCSE results:
Overall, 60% of our students earned a grade A or A*, and 30% Grade B. This year we were also able to offer a wider variety of subjects in the examinations than last year.
Congratulations to all our students for earning such high marks – Your hard work has paid off!
20 US-Fußballtalente besuchen in Neuss ein Jahr die internationale Schule ISR und trainieren dort mit Ex-Bundesligaspieler und Profitrainer Karsten Baumann
20 US-Fußballtalente besuchen in Neuss ein Jahr die internationale Schule ISR und trainieren dort mit Ex-Bundesligaspieler und Profitrainer Karsten Baumann
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
In dem am kommenden Montag startenden neuen Schuljahr bekommt die ISR International School on the Rhine in Neuss eine besondere Verstärkung sportlicher Art. 20 Fußballtalente aus den USA im Alter von 14 oder 15 Jahren besuchen im Rahmen eines Förderprojektes für ein Jahr die ISR. In Deutschland sollen sich die Jungen zum einen fußballerisch gezielt weiter verbessern, um später vielleicht den Traum von der Profi-Fußballerkarriere in Europa zu verwirklichen. Zum anderen können die Jungen ihre schulische Ausbildung auf hohem Niveau in ihrer Muttersprache fortsetzen und sich persönlich weiterentwickeln.
Das Training der Schüler an der ISR übernimmt Karsten Baumann, der selber 261 Bundesligaspiele u. a. für den 1. FC Köln und Borussia Dortmund bestritt, mehrere Profivereine trainierte und bereits zwei Jahre als Lehrer an der ISR arbeitet. Er kann den jungen Talenten auch abseits ihrer Trainingszeiten in Düsseldorfer Trainingscamps wertvolle Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Fußballerlaufbahn geben.
Mark Dillon, Initiator des Projektes und Talentscout aus Amerika, betont die Vorteile des ganzheitlichen Ansatzes des Projektes: „Durch die Unterstützung und Expertise von Karsten Baumann und die Verknüpfung des Leistungssports mit der hervorragenden internationalen Schulausbildung an der ISR können sich die jungen Fußballer während ihrer Zeit hier in Deutschland in allen Bereichen verbessern.“ Unterrichtet werden die Jungen während ihrer Zeit in Deutschland in der Mittel- und Oberstufe der ISR, in ihrer Muttersprache. Anpassungsprobleme dürften auch gering sein, weil sie mit Kindern zusammen sind, die ebenfalls perfekt Englisch sprechen und aus der ganzen Welt kommen. Dillon: „Gerade die Unterbringung der Jungen in Gastfamilien ist ein ent-scheidender Beitrag für die persönliche Weiterentwicklung. So lernen die Spieler Kultur und Gesellschaft des Gastlandes am besten kennen.“
„Wir freuen uns sehr über diese spannende Kooperation. Die amerikanischen Gastschüler werden unsere Schulkultur in diesem Jahr sicherlich deutlich bereichern“, so Peter Soliman, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR im Rahmen einer Kick-off-Veranstaltung: „Wir sind froh, dass wir neben der bewährten hochwertigen akademischen Ausbildung in den vergangenen Jahren auch die sportliche Infrastruktur ausgebaut und in diesem Bereich die personellen Voraussetzungen geschaffen haben, um so etwas anbieten zu können.“ Neben Karsten Baumann arbeiten im Sportbereich vier Lehrer und Ausbilder.
Das Fußballtraining findet auf der benachbarten Bezirksportanlage statt, welche die ISR zum Jahreswechsel übernommen hat und in diesem Sommer stark modernisiert. So entsteht auf dem auch von dem PSV Neuss weiterhin genutzten Gelände zum Beispiel ein neuer Kunstrasenplatz, welcher auch für das Training der US-Talente genutzt wird. Soliman: „Das Fußballprojekt mit den US-Schülern ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Ausbaus unserer zunehmenden Aktivitäten im Sportbereich.“ Die ISR ist zudem Partnerschule des Deutschen Fußball Bundes (DFB) beim DFB-Schnupperabzeichen für Nachwuchsfußballer sowie vom DFB als Junior Coach Ausbildungsschule zertifiziert. In beiden Bereichen finden regelmäßig Schulungen in Neuss statt.
ISR International School on the Rhine
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 2
41464 Neuss, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2131 40388-0
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Linya
Spotlight On Our Student Linya
Linya will be a second grader this year at ISR. She is an outstanding student, both in and out of the classroom. She always looks for ways to help teachers and students alike. She is kind and caring, and very passionate about learning. Linya exemplifies our school motto, “It’s cool to be good”. Great job, Linya!
We are proud to spotlight Linya, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024