A delegation from the offices of U.S. House of Representatives visited ISR
A delegation from the offices of U.S. House of Representatives visited ISR
Thursday, 31 March 2022

Yesterday, we were honored to welcome a delegation of constituency office leaders from the U.S. House of Representatives as part of a week-long “Senior Staff Study Tour” in North Rhine-Westphalia. The visit took place as part of ISR’s partnership with AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. The nine-member delegation consisted of District Directors from both major parties (Democrats and Republicans), who lead the offices of the representatives in their respective home regions. The experts learned about ISR’s educational concept and spoke with students from Grades 9 to 11 about their school careers, academic accomplishments, study aspirations, and also plans for the future. “This was a very educational exchange for all students. Not only for those who are thinking about studying in the U.S.,” emphasized Emil Cete, deputy principal of ISR Neuss: “There is no substitute for such personal meetings. It’s true that we have organized many events digitally in the past two Corona years. But face-to-face exchanges are simply even more enriching and personal. We are all the more pleased that Dr. Becker from AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. has brought this special event to us at ISR.”
Delegates from U.S. constituency offices discussed with the students not only their academic aspirations but also the importance of education and how transparent communication, as well as face-to-face exchanges, are essential to fostering transatlantic relations. “You are the future of your respective home countries, so I encourage you to continue to think globally and also critically,” the U.S. guests concluded in their advice to the high school seniors.
The delegates took a lot of time to answer the young people’s questions and exchanged contact information with them at the end. “We were very pleased that the guests were so open with the students today and even offered to be available for an internship in the US. This underlines the special importance of events of this kind and their added value for both sides,” summed up Peter Soliman, Managing Partner of ISR.
We thank our partner the AmerikaHaus NRW e.V., the US Association of Former Members of Congress, and all participating District Directors for the time and the experience they shared with us.
Delegation aus den Büros von Abgeordneten des US-Repräsentantenhauses besucht die Internationale Schule ISR Neuss und wirbt für Kooperation bei Bildung sowie kulturelles Verständnis
Delegation aus den Büros von Abgeordneten des US-Repräsentantenhauses besucht die Internationale Schule ISR Neuss und wirbt für Kooperation bei Bildung sowie kulturelles Verständnis
Donnerstag, 31. März, 2022
Eine Delegation von Wahlkreisbüroleiter:innen des US-Repräsentantenhauses hat im Rahmen einer einwöchigen „Senior Staff Study Tour“ durch Nordrhein-Westfalen die ISR International School on the Rhine Neuss und Düsseldorf besucht. Der Besuch fand im Rahmen der Partnerschaft der ISR mit dem AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. statt. Die neunköpfige Delegation bestand aus sogenannten „District Directors“ beider großer Parteien (Demokraten und Republikaner), die die Büros ihrer Abgeordneten in den jeweiligen Heimatregionen leiten. Die Expertinnen und Experten informierten sich ausführlich über das Bildungskonzept der ISR und sprachen mit Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgangsstufen 9 bis 11 über ihre Schullaufbahn, akademische Herausforderungen, Studienwünsche und auch private Zukunftspläne. „Das war für alle Schüler:innen ein sehr lehrreicher Austausch. Nicht nur für diejenigen, die über ein Studium in den USA nachdenken“, betont Emil Cete, stellvertretender Schuldirektor der ISR Neuss: „Solche persönlichen Treffen sind nicht zu ersetzen. Wir haben zwar in den vergangenen beiden Corona-Jahren viele Events digital veranstaltet. Aber im persönlichen Austausch ist das einfach noch bereichernder und persönlicher. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass Dr. Becker vom AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. diese besondere Veranstaltung zu uns an die ISR gebracht hat.“
Ähnlich äußert sich Dr. Benjamin Becker, Direktor des AmerikaHaus NRW e.V.: „Nach zwei herausfordernden Jahren der ja leider andauernden Pandemie freut es mich und uns vom AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. sehr, dass wieder Besuche aus den USA möglich sind. Bei aller Begeisterung für digitale Kommunikationstechnologien sind es die menschlichen Begegnungen, die gegenseitiges Verständnis ermöglichen. Und wo könnte dies besser stattfinden als in einer internationalen Schule wie der ISR in Neuss – mit Vertreter:innen jener Generation, die das transatlantische Verhältnis von Morgen prägen wird?“
Die US-Delegation zeigte sich überrascht, wie viele Schülerinnen und Schüler sich für ein Studium in den USA interessierten. Traditionell gehört bei Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ISR nach dem International Baccalaureate ein Studium in den USA zu den gefragten Ausbildungen, selbst in den vergangenen beiden Corona-Jahren. Studienplatz-Angebote bekannter US-Hochschulen gab es 2020 und 2021 beispielsweise von der Princeton University (Bundesstaat New Jersey), der University of Southern California, der University of Notre Dame (Bundesstaat Indiana), der University of Miami, der Boston University, der Michigan State University und der Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
Die Delegierten aus den US-Wahlkreisbüros besprachen mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern nicht nur deren Studienwünsche, sondern vor allem auch über die Bedeutung von Bildung, Weltoffenheit und darüber, wie wichtig eine transparente Kommunikation sowie auch ein persönlicher Austausch ist, um die transatlantischen Beziehungen zu fördern. „Ihr seid die Zukunft Eurer jeweiligen Heimatländer, daher ermutige ich Euch, weiter global und auch kritisch zu denken“, schlossen die US-Gäste ihren Rat an die Oberstufenschülerinnen und -schüler ab.
Die Delegierten nahmen sich viel Zeit für die Fragen der jungen Leute und tauschten am Ende noch ihre Kontaktdaten mit ihnen aus. „Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, dass die Gäste so offen mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern heute umgegangen sind und ihnen sogar angeboten haben, für einen Praktikumsplatz in den USA zur Verfügung zu stehen. Das unterstreicht die besondere Bedeutung von Veranstaltungen dieser Art und deren Mehrwert für beide Seiten“, resümiert Peter Soliman, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR.
Leading by a good example – ISR Community donates for Ukrainian Refugees
Leading by a good example – ISR Community donates for Ukrainian Refugees
Friday, 25 March 2022

At ISR, we strive to teach our students what it means to make a difference. A positive difference through education, but also through social engagement for those who need it most.
Our community has always been committed to different projects to lead by a good example. So too in this humanitarian crisis. Today, our dedicated ISR Parent Network packed the donations for families arriving from Ukraine to Neuss and Düsseldorf and brought them with our ISR School Bus at to the drop-off points. We received many items from our wonderful families – among other hygiene products, foods, pet food, medical products and many other items, which the families from Ukraine need.
We sincerely thank our whole ISR Family for the great number of donated items! This selflessness is testament to our philosophy and values and we are proud embrace our responsibility to offer support to those affected by this crisis.
It’s cool to be good & it’s cool to do good!
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Elisabeth

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Elisabeth
Friday, 25 March 2022
This week, we spotlight our eleven-grader Elisabeth, who joined ISR this academic year. Elisabeth stands out as a very friendly and determined student who is involved in the ISR school community and works hard for her excellent academic achievements. In her CAS classes, she participates in the Big Brother/Big Sister project and supports younger students in the role of a big sister in everyday school life. In doing so, she demonstrates a great sense of duty and impresses with her endearing character.
Elisabeth recently won third place in the Niederrhein regional round of the Jugend forscht competition! Jugend forscht is Germany’s forefront science project competition for school students. Her performance was incredibly impressive an opinion shared by her Science teacher Mr. O’Brian “Elisabeth entered the Jugend forscht science competition this year and by doing so became ISR’s first-ever entry. She picked up an impressive third place prize in the regional round for her investigation of the dispersal characteristics of sycamore seeds. She has greatly impressed me with her positive work ethic, maturity, and independence. Congratulations Elisabeth.“ The whole ISR community is impressed by her achievements and also her Geography teacher Mr. Bates is convinced of her, “In Geography, Elisabeth is always attentive, thoughtful, and considerate. She deserves being spotlighted“.
We are very proud to spotlight Elisabeth, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Frauen können alles erreichen - die ISR International School on the Rhine trägt dazu bei
Frauen können alles erreichen – die ISR International School on the Rhine trägt dazu bei
Donnerstag, 24. März 2022
In: ZOO:M Magazin
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Apoorv

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Apoorv
Friday, 18 March 2022
This week, we spotlight our eleven-grader Apoorv, who joined ISR in 2016. Apoorv is currently in Year 1 of the IB Diploma Program and after graduation, he wants to study Engineering or Data Science in the UK or the Netherlands. During the time-intensive preparations in his IB program, Apoorv keeps his stress low by creating a regular study schedule to monitor his progress in his subjects. His work both inside and outside the classroom has made him a top-performing student in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, and Economics. ”We are especially excited about his research on negative externalities of pollution in Economics to complete his Extended Essay. We wish him luck in Year 2 to reach his university aims!” as his Academic Head, Ms. McGee adds.
Apoorv has a friendly and polite nature, and he is a student who completes his tasks with conscientiousness. This is also reflected in Computer Science as he not only shows analytical skills but also works very well and actively participates in lessons. Apoorv is also convincing in physics classes, and not only with his academic achievements but also with his excellent sense of humor, “I started teaching Apoorv for the first time this year. He is a keen and talented physics student with a good sense of humor. He is polite and good-natured and is self-motivated to do well in his studies,” says his Science teacher, Mr. O´Brian.
We are very proud to spotlight Apoorv, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Lizzy

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Lizzy
Friday, 11 March 2022
This week, we spotlight our musical second-grader Lizzy, who joined ISR in Kindergarten. Since Kindergarten, Lizzy has developed a lot in terms of character and has risen above herself. From a bright and curious kindergarten child, she has developed into a first-class student. “Lizzy is a wonderful student and a special part of ISR. She works extremely hard in all her lessons and always produces work of a high standard. She loves to learn and will always look for new ways to get involved and be creative with her learning. Furthermore, she loves writing and will often create her own books to share with the class and her friends. Lizzy is also a talented artist and loves to illustrate her own beautiful pictures to go alongside her stories. “She is a great example of how self-discipline, hard work and always putting forward your best effort sets an example of excellence.” as her teacher Ms. Little says about her.
One of Lizzy’s great passions is music, “not only does Lizzy have a high aptitude in Music, she’s also a hard worker, and she’s always paying attention and has excellent participation.” as her music teacher Ms. Bucher adds. Lizzy already participates in music competitions and recently received first prize with her violin in the “Jugend musiziert”. Ms. Morris, her Academic Coordinator, finally adds “Lizzy is a wonderful student who always has a smile on her face. In addition to her excellent participation in her classes, she is also a gifted musician. We are so proud of Lizzy!”
We are very proud to spotlight Lizzy, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Max
International Women's Day
International Women’s Day
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day!
In Germany alone, only 28.4% of women were employed in management positions in 2020. At ISR, however, we take on a different approach. 70% of our staff in leadership positions are women! Additionally, there are many inspiring women within our parent community at ISR who are self-employed or hold leadership positions.
Being inspired by such women, we asked them a few questions, which they answered specifically in honor of International Women’s Day. This video is made up of many successful women within our ISR Family and serves as motivation for our students and young women around the world who are on the path to building their careers.
In our video, one aspect in particular quickly becomes clear – women can achieve anything and lead by example!
As Ella Fitzgerald, a famous singer said, “Never give up fighting for what you want to do. You can’t go wrong with something where there is passion and inspiration.”
We wish you all an inspiring International Women’s Day!
ISR Kindergarten Düsseldorf glänzt mit besonderer Architektur
ISR Kindergarten Düsseldorf glänzt mit besonderer Architektur
Freitag, 4. März 2022
In: Cube Magazin
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Masayuki

Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Masayuki
Friday, 4 March 2022
This week we spotlight our fifth grader Masayuki, who joined ISR last year. He is such a hard worker and always tries his best. He is very kind to everyone and makes sure everyone feels like they belong. In addition, Masayuki is a very diligent student with logical, quick thinking, high concentration skills, and excellent grammatical understanding. He always enjoys learning, working in class, and just about everything he does! He is an excellent role model and convinced his teachers in a very short time through his academic achievements and his wonderful character.
“Masayuki is an excellent candidate for our student spotlight, as he gives 100% every day and is one of the most helpful and sincere students here at ISR. Masayuki is always polite and respectful and has a very good sense of humor! It is a pleasure and joy to teach Masayuki who has superb programming skills and is also willing to help others. Well done Masayuki!” as Ms. Brand, his academic coordinator grades 5 and 6 adds.
We are very proud to spotlight Masayuki, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 14, 2025
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Zach
December 13, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Marie
November 29, 2024
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Ray
November 15, 2024