CAS Projects
Starting in Grade 11, ISR students take part in different service projects in the three fields of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). CAS is central to the philosophy of the IB Diploma program and enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. It fosters the student’s awareness and appreciation of life beyond the academic arena.
CAS Projects
Starting in Grade 11, ISR students take part in different service projects in the three fields of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). CAS is central to the philosophy of the IB Diploma program and enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. It fosters the student’s awareness and appreciation of life beyond the academic arena.
For student development to occur, CAS needs to include:
- real, purposeful activities and projects with significant learning outcomes
- personal challenge and development
- thoughtful consideration, such as planning and reflecting on potential outcomes
With guidance from their CAS Coordinator, students at ISR choose their own CAS activities and projects and undertake them in a local and international context meaning that students “own” their personal CAS programs.
For student development to occur, CAS needs to include:
- real, purposeful activities and projects with significant learning outcomes
- personal challenge and development
- thoughtful consideration, such as planning and reflecting on potential outcomes
With guidance from their CAS Coordinator, students at ISR choose their own CAS activities and projects and undertake them in a local and international context meaning that students “own” their personal CAS programs.
Mr. Urban
IB CAS Coordinator
Examples of past and present CAS projects
ISR values social responsibility as we educate our students to become global citizens. Our students and community are actively involved with projects to help those in need, both locally and internationally. Raising money for charities is also a focus for the International Baccalaureate (IB) CAS (creativity, activity, service) requirement.
- Engagement in the dementia center of the St. Augustinus Group in Neuss through artistic and musical performances by our students
- ISR For Charity: students made 350 masks for the St. Augustine Group
- Support the Children’s Hospice Regenbogenland in Düsseldorf – ISR Student sold self-made paintings and donated the proceeds of €1,770
- “Harmony for Dementia”: Donation of 40 music boxes designed according to individual wishes of dementia patients
- Charity projects in collaboration with the Leo/Lions Club
- Charity projects with the SOS Children’s Village – Presentation of a donation check worth €1,000 from CAS students to the SOS Kinderdorf
- €2,500 donations for the Wünsch Dir Was (Make a Wish) foundation which fulfills the wishes and dreams of sick children
- “Wheels For Wheels”- project, mammoth march and other projects that benefit the Tandem Foundation Burkhard Zülow, which aims to integrate physically and mentally impaired people into the Neuss sports club as well as participation in the annual Tandem Day
- Foundation “Kinderstiftung Lesen bildet” – CAS volunteers read to students at a local primary school in Neuss
- Cancer Foundation NRW Awareness campaign (video production as an extension of the Rowing Charity Event where ISR was one of the sponsors)
- “Halls and Walls” – a project to create a better in-class environment in collaboration with the artist Ms. Simpson Worboys
- Tutoring at St. Mauritius Primary School in Meerbusch
- KG ScienceTechnicsEngineeringMath (STEM) project
- “Ocean cleaning project”
- “Humans of ISR” project
- CAS students support local “Aktion Lichtblicke e. V.” with our school bus! – ISR students handed over a donation of €1000 to support “Aktion Lichtblicke e. V.”. Other local charities, which are supported by our CAS students, are the Himmelblaue Traumfabrik and “It’s for Kids”
- Habitat for Humanity Project – a project to build houses for those in need in Romania
- Model United Nations
- Operation Wallacea – international scientific research expedition in Greece
- Volunteer work at summer camps and orphanages for children in need in China and Nepal
- Charity events and other fundraising events for various causes like the Charity Bike Challenge (CBC24) where two students rode their bicycles from Düsseldorf to London in 21 hours to raise €5,000 to rebuild a school in Haiti. Other students raised funds through half-marathons, “Tour de Ruhr” and the “Three Country Challenge” (hiking/biking/kayaking charity events)
- Teaching primary students and supporting schools with supplies needed in Thailand and Indonesia
- Support the German Bone Marrow Donor Association (DKMS)
- SLC (ISR Student Leadership Council)
- Peer tutoring and study group leaders in various subjects
- SLC Big Brother / Big Sister mentoring program
- Engagement in a leadership position in various fields
- SLC Yearbook Team
- Participation in various Student Extracurricular Activities as a club leader
- Teaching English at a local primary school or extended daycare in the Neuss region, awarded with the Integration Award of the Rhein-Kreis-Neuss
- Volunteer work at local food banks “Tafel e.V.” and thrift shops in Düsseldorf and Neuss
- Support a local organization for homeless people
- Local Fire Brigade and THW – (technical support unit for emergencies) training sessions/volunteer programs
- Volunteer at the Red Cross
- Volunteer work at a local animal shelter
- Volunteer work at a local orphanage
- Music lessons for developmentally challenged children
- Volunteer work at local retirement communities
- Volunteer work at an elderly home for Parkinson patients
- Therapeutically horseback riding sessions for mentally challenged kids
- Art Workshops for children from socially deprived families
- Bird House Project – part of the German Nature Conservation Union
ISR International School on the Rhine
+49 (0)2131 40388-0
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 2
41464 Neuss, Germany