Assessments & Exams
Working individually with our excellent academic and career advisors and students well-being counsellors, students and parents will be taken step-by-step through the Path to University process, which includes internal and external assessments and exams. Once students decide on a general career and academic direction and also in which countries they may like to study, ISR’s University and Career Counsellors will guide each student on the necessary exams they will need to graduate and increase their chances of being accepted at the universities of their choice.
Assessments & Exams
Working individually with our excellent academic and career advisors and students well-being counsellors, students and parents will be taken step-by-step through the Path to University process, which includes internal and external assessments and exams.
Once students decide on a general career and academic direction and also in which countries they may like to study, ISR’s University and Career Counsellors will guide each student on the necessary exams they will need to graduate and increase their chances of being accepted at the universities of their choice.
Course Assessments for Grades 9–12
Periodic Exams
- In Grades 7-12 there are up to two exams per week on one specified exam day
- Students receive a periodic timetable at the beginning of the terms
- Some exams may consist of two parts: a written part and a multiple-choice part
- Every written part of the periodic exam is sent home, but not the term or final exams
Term and Final Exams
Term exams in all subjects take place at the end of term 1 and term 2. The finals (at the end of term 3) comprise the study material for the whole school year.
External Exams
Grade 10
The certain external exams are recommended:
- PSAT (a practice version of SAT as a diagnostic): These scores are not sent out to universities. The results assist the University Counselling Office to advise students on the SAT, which students take in grade 11 or 12
- IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education): These results are sent out to universities as required
- DELF / DELE (a French or Spanish Language Diploma on Level A2)
Grades 11–12
In grade 11, most ISR students begin the two-year International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. IB exams are taken in grade 12.
Alternatively, students may opt to continue with the ISR High School Diploma.
In grades 11 and 12 students can write (on a voluntary basis) the following external exams which schools and universities worldwide use in their application evaluation process:
- SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test / General Test in grade 11 or 12)
- ACT (American College Testing in grade 11 and 12)
- DELF / DELE (French or Spanish Diploma on Level B1)
All American universities require sitting the SAT and, if necessary, TOEFL. These are entrance exams only and not leaving certificates.
Exams Needed to Graduate
The internal and external exams students take on their path to university prepare them for their exams to obtain school-leaving certificates and diplomas, which are needed to attend universities worldwide.
Periodic and Final Exams
The periodic and final exams are required for the ISR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, a leaving certification for ISR students, which every student receives after successfully finishing grades 9 – 12.
To become a graduate of ISR, a student must acquire 26 successfully-completed credits in grades 9 – 12 to obtain an ISR High School Diploma.
IB Exams
In addition to the periodic and final exams, students sit the IB Exams in grade 12 as well as finishing their CAS Program (Creativity, Activity, Service), TOK (Theory of Knowledge), and EE (Extended Essay) and the internal assessments for their six subjects.
Allgemeine Hochschulreife
Students seeking to gain the ‘Allgemeine Hochschulreife’ for application to German universities are guided in their recognition process with the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle. See also ‘German University Qualification’ for criteria for the recognition of the IB as ‘Allgemeine Hochschulreife’.
Through these steps, ISR students are prepared to meet the requirements of the most demanding universities in the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, mainland Europe, the Middle, and the Far East, and Australia.
ISR International School on the Rhine
+49 (0)2131 40388-0
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 2
41464 Neuss, Germany