Das SOS Kinderdorf Düsseldorf erhält 3000 Euro Erlös des gemeinsamen Halloween-Fests der internationalen Schule ISR und des American International Women´s Club Düsseldorf
Das SOS Kinderdorf Düsseldorf erhält 3000 Euro Erlös des
gemeinsamen Halloween-Fests der internationalen Schule ISR und des American International Women´s Club Düsseldorf
Montag, 31. Oktober 2022
Das breit gefächerte Kinderprogramm sowie zahlreiche kreative Aktionen der Schüler:innen ermöglichen die hohe Spendensumme / Langjährige Partnerschaft von ISR und AIWCD soll weiter intensiviert werden
Die ISR International School on the Rhine Neuss/Düsseldorf und der American International Women’s Club Düsseldorf e.V. (AIWCD) haben bei einem gemeinsamen Halloween-Fest einen Erlös von 3000 Euro erzielt und diesen an das SOS-Kinderdorf Düsseldorf gespendet. „Ein tolles Ergebnis. Das ist ein weiterer wichtiger Baustein für unsere Arbeit“, freute sich Cora Müller vom SOS-Kinderdorf Düsseldorf. Sie lobt das große Engagement der Schüler:innen zugunsten der gemeinnützigen Organisation. „Die Jungen und Mädchen im SOS-Kinderdorf Düsseldorf lieben Halloween sehr. Daher freuen sich alle riesig, an dieser Aktion partizipieren zu dürfen. Und wir werden uns regelmäßig in unserer Kinderkoch- und Backwerkstatt daran erinnern, dass der Erlös der Halloween Party bei deren Ausstattung eingesetzt wird.“ Hier lernen die Kinder, wie in einer Küche Speisen frisch und gesund zuzubereiten sind. Cora Müller: „Die Kinder sollen mit allen Sinnen kochen und backen. Und anschließend selbst feststellen, wie lecker das schmeckt.“
„Der Erlös unserer diesjährigen Veranstaltung konnte so üppig ausgefallen, weil sich unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler und die engagierten Vereinsmitglieder so viele kreative Aktionen und Wettbewerbe einfallen ließen“, betont Peter Soliman, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der ISR: „Da wurde viel freie Zeit investiert. Vor allem die liebevolle Dekoration der Schule und besonders der Spooky Hallway sorgten für strahlende Kinderaugen.“
AIWCD und ISR sind seit mehreren Jahren Kooperationspartner und setzen sich gemeinsam für wohltätige Zwecke ein, etwa bei gemeinsamen Veranstaltungen wie Halloween oder dem Sponsoring einer Casino Night durch die ISR. „Damit können wir viel Gutes bewirken“, sagt Stephanie Eggert, Head of the kids club des AIWCD: „Wegen solch erfolgreicher Aktionen planen wir gerade gemeinsam mit der ISR, unsere Kooperation auszuweiten.“
Die gemeinsame Halloween-Feier mit dem AIWCD ist auch der Auftakt für den Charity-Endspurt der ISR für das Jahr 2022, bei dem sich die Schüler:innen und deren Familien für gemeinnützige Organisationen engagieren, beispielsweise für die Aktion Lichtblicke. Eine weitere Charity-Aktion zum Ende des Schuljahres ist der so genannte Wish Garland Tree – ein Weihnachtsbaum, an dem Kinder ihre Wünsche aufschreiben und von einer Familie der ISR erfüllen lassen können. „Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler haben ein gutes Gespür dafür entwickelt, dass es in der aktuell sehr herausfordernden Situation besonders wichtig ist, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und Mitmenschen zu unterstützen“, sagt Emil Cete, stellvertretender Schuldirektor der ISR: „Und dass sich daraus immer häufiger ein so großes Engagement für die gute Sache entwickelt, kann man gar nicht hoch genug bewerten.“ Solche Aktionen sind ein wichtiger Teil des Bildungskonzeptes der ISR. Cete: „An der ISR geht es nicht nur darum, hervorragende akademische Ergebnisse zu erreichen. Es ist eines unserer zentralen Anliegen, dass die jungen Leute auch soziale Verantwortung entwickeln. Nur so können sie zu einem wichtigen und verantwortungsbewussten Teil der Gesellschaft werden.“
Die ISR International School on the Rhine GmbH mit Sitz in Neuss ist eine privat geführte internationale Ganztagsschule. Über 1.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Region und aus aller Welt bereiten sich gemeinsam auf international anerkannte Schulabschlüsse vor. Akademische Exzellenz und Charakterbildung stehen im Zentrum der Ausbildung und qualifizieren für ein Studium an führenden Universitäten in Deutschland und weltweilt. Für jüngere Kinder bietet die ISR einen internationalen Kindergarten auf dem ISR-Campus in Neuss, in Düsseldorf-Niederkassel sowie eine deutschsprachige Dependance in Meerbusch-Büderich. Anfragen zu Kindergarten, Grundschule und weiterführender Schule werden ganzjährig entgegengenommen: admissions@isr-school.de.
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Philip
Spotlight On Our Student Philip
This week, we spotlight our eleventh-grader Philip, who originally joined ISR in Kindergarten, left for middle school, and rejoined ISR in Grade 10. Philip is a committed student who is always giving his best. He stands out for his kind and caring personality, and for always supporting others. “Philip is without a doubt the most conscientious and hardworking student I’ve had at ISR. He came back in grade 10, in the middle of his IGCSE history course, and worked hard to catch up on a year’s worth of material to achieve an incredible result. He is constantly self-reflecting and always looking for ways to improve his results in all of his subjects. Philip is unafraid to ask questions in class, and they are always good and thoughtful, and in that way, his peers benefit from his inquiring brain. Lastly, but certainly not least, he is a caring and helpful individual who is always happy to volunteer to help peers and teachers with anything they might need. He is an absolute delight to have as a student and the kind of individual that is a model for all ISR students.”, Mr. McGee, TOK Coordinator, and History and English Teacher, says.
Philipp is a very open-minded, communicative, and cheerful student who is always friendly to his teachers and peers. As part of his IB program, he is involved in various CAS projects and shows a great sense of responsibility there. He is a reading mentor in our library and supports younger students in finding suitable books and playing games with them. In addition, he actively participates in the Model United Nations simulation and volunteers at a sports club on weekends, supervising children there. These are just a few of the things Philip is involved in. He shows great engagement and commitment both in school and in his personal life.
We are very proud to spotlight Philip one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
ISR Open House 2022
Successful ISR Open House 2022
Saturday, 22 October 2022
Decorated hallways, colorful balloons, and a motivated and excited team of educators and staff welcomed hundreds of guests, interested families, and friends of ISR today on the occasion of ISR Open House 2022!
Guests were treated to a diverse program of demo lessons in various subjects and grade levels, a Subject Hallway, creative art exhibits, hands-on activities and experiments in our Science Labs, and numerous information booths from our dedicated collaborative partners.
Our music department delighted the visitors with several concerts, with which our guests were welcomed in the foyer at the beginning. Our sports department was responsible for an action-packed sports program in our sports hall and our IT department once again provided for many astonished faces by presenting our virtual reality glasses, which let the children dive into the depths of the oceans, as well as with our 3D printer, with which the children could print red ISR coins! Our kindergarten locations from Düsseldorf and Meerbusch were also represented and were able to tell interested families more about our educational offer of their kindergarten locations.
Interested families could learn more about the kindergarten as well as our school through various presentations. Moreover, our guests were invited to take part in a student-led school tour in different languages organized by our SLO® department.
Our dedicated ISR Parent Network provided physical well-being, which lovingly decorated the school’s cafeteria with flags from all over the world. Drinks were provided by Broich Catering as well as a Coffee-Bike, which offered various coffee specialties for the guests.
An all-around successful celebration with many highlights, which we will not forget!
We sincerely thank all parents, students, teachers, staff, and our cooperation partners, without whom this unique and successful event would not have been possible!
Our cooperation partners:
- Rochusclub Düsseldorf
- Musicbox Oxana
- Dr. Beate Jürgens & Partner
- Hoffmann´s Ballonshop
- Ballet for girls, boys & adults by Claudia Peltzer
- Broich Catering
- Düsseldorf Senators
- Rhein Beleuchtung
- Kunst am Platz
- American International Women’s Club of Düsseldorf
- Polizeisportverein Neuss 1961 e.V.
- RKM Kinderzahnheilkunde MiLiNo
- C. Bechstein Centrum Düsseldorf
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Evie
Spotlight On Our Student Evie
This week, we spotlight our seventh-grader Evie, who joined ISR in 2020. Evie is a very polite girl with a very positive attitude toward others. She has a great sense of humor, is always smiling and her laughter is infectious. In addition, she is a kind and caring student with a positive attitude to learning. She especially enjoys her music lessons and playing the ukulele. She has also been part of the ISR concerts during lunchtime and where she sang beautifully for her classmates. Her impressive personality as well as her academic efforts make her a wonderful role model.
Ms. Przybylski, her German teacher adds, “It was a pleasure to have Evie in my homeroom last year and in my German class in Term 1 this year. She is always authentic, honest, and very polite. Evie is a reliable and conscientious student who is actively involved in ISR life, as well as in our lessons. We will miss her very much and wish her all the best in the future.” Evie has left ISR as her family have moved back to England. During her time at ISR she has made a huge impact on her classmates and will be greatly missed by them and her teachers. Evie, we wish you all the best on your new learning journey!
We are very proud to spotlight Evie one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Awdeep
Spotlight On Our Student Awdeep
This week, we spotlight our second-grader Awdeep, who joined ISR in grade 1. Awdeep is recognized as a friendly, positive, and helpful student, who loves spending his free time outside playing with friends. His teachers appreciate that he is a respectful, funny, and bright student, who always supports his peers and works hard. “He brightens up cloudy days with his warm smile”, as his music teacher, Ms. Bucher, adds.
In the academic field, he convinces as a dedicated and hardworking student, who is excited to learn new things. Through his ambition, he achieves success in many subjects and actively participates in class. There he also shows himself as very creative and he loves to participate in classroom discussions. According to Ms. Morris, Head of Curriuclum Development of the Primary School, “Awdeep joined ISR in Grade 1 and has been brightening classrooms ever since. We are so happy to have Awdeep at ISR!”
We are very proud to spotlight Awdeep one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights