Spotlight On Our Student Otto
This week we are proud to put our 6h grader Otto in the student spotlight. His former homeroom teacher Mr. Foy says “If we could somehow tap the endless supply of energy that Otto has, we would solve the world’s climate and pollution problems in an instant! Since I’ve been his teacher, I have been amazed by Otto’s energy and positive outlook on life. We can measure success in many ways, but for me personally the most important measure of success is the extent to which we positively impact the lives of others. With his warmth, good humor and endless reserves of energy, Otto has enriched the lives of many of his peers and has inspired countless laughs along the way. Therefore he can count himself already as someone who has achieved much in his life that is truly meaningful.”
Also his current teacher Ms. Muller can only confirm that Otto is truly a joy to teach. “Otto is an incredibly positive and creative learner. He never allows difficult challenges to hinder his ability to finish the task at hand. His motivation and perseverance are incredibly admirable and absolutely amazing to watch” she says. One of Otto’s other teachers, Mr. Bernard, says “Otto is one of those students that, even when you are reprimanding them for something, will still find a way to make you smile. His kind and humorous nature, as well as his willingness to work hard and apply himself in the lessons, made him an enthusiastic and popular member of the class”.
We are proud to spotlight Otto, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our Student Spotlight project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if its academic success, a special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
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Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Felix
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Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Romy
November 10, 2023