Spotlight On Our Student Henning
Henning, Grade 10, has been at ISR since Kindergarten. At the top of his class, Henning is a bright student and an enthusiastic learner, who is busy prepping for the upcoming IGSCE exams next week. Henning has also been very involved in ISR’s Student Life Organization®. Currently, Henning is the Deputy Head Prefect of the Outreach Department. In the past, he served as Deputy Head of Academics as well as a Senior Prefect in several other departments. And even more impressive, prior to spring break, Henning was named as the Head Prefect for upcoming Academic Year 2019-2020.
In addition to his involvement in ISR’s Student Life Organization®, Henning also supports the ISR Marketing Team with internal and external events – ”Henning is a great support! His helpful and outgoing personality and his willingness to always lend a helping hand, makes him a great asset at our various marketing events.” Wow! Way to go Henning! ISR is lucky to have such an impressive young leader in the making.
We are proud to spotlight Henning, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our “Student Spotlight” project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, “Staying Ahead”. No matter if academic achievements, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 17, 2023
Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Daniel
February 10, 2023
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December 16, 2022