ISR at the METRO Marathon Düsseldorf 2019

Thursday, 02 May 2019

This year too, ISR was finely represented at the METRO Marathon via our runners and our bright yellow American school bus. Around 20 ISR students successfully competed in the Kids Cup and performed outstandingly well. We are very proud of our youngest marathon enthusiasts and can’t wait for them to embark on their first marathon relay race.

Not only our students, but also numerous parents and staff members enthusiastically participated in the marathon. They demonstrated strong group performances in the marathon relay. A special mention goes to an ISR mum for her team spirit in jumping in spontaneously and running almost half a marathon. At the end, all runners proudly took home a medal and ended the eventful afternoon with a cosy get-together with music, drinks and a few snacks. The exciting day came to a lovely end with everyone exchanging their personal running stories and marathon experiences.

We can’t wait for the next METRO Marathon and would like to thank all participants and helpers for their support and METRO for the outstanding organization.