Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Young Bin
Friday, 25 June 2021
This week we spotlight our eleventh grader Young Bin, who joined ISR in 2019. Young Bin is an extremely dedicated student and is also involved in the SLO® Department. In SLO®, he has taken to delivering radio ISR with gusto and charm, offering a flair and warming take on the news around the school. Young Bin is friendly and has very good manners. He is also a strong academic student and his teachers are impressed by his dedication to his classes and lessons. “Young Bin is the quiet talent in the class. He caught me off-guard when I graded his first exam, and he achieved top marks! It took me a while to realize how good he was at Physics, he is definitely a pleasure to teach!”, says his science teacher Mr. O´Brien.
One of Young Bin’s other strengths lie in linguistics. His German teacher Ms. Herda adds “Young Bin has been in my German B HL course since the beginning of this year, I think I speak for his teachers and also for his classmates: It’s great to have him in the course. Young Bin is helpful, determined, organized, hardworking, but is still always up for any fun in class.”
After the Summer Break, Young Bin will spend his last year at ISR preparing intensely for his IB exams. After graduating at ISR, Young Bin would like to study Business Management in Germany or the Netherlands. We are certain that because of his talent and determination to succeed, Young Bin will realize his plans.
We are very proud to spotlight Young Bin one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
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