Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Radin

Friday, 11 December 2020

This week, we spotlight our sixth-grader Radin, who joined ISR in the last academic year. Radin found it very easy to settle into the ISR community and his Academic Coordinator, Ms. Brand, confirmed this by saying “Radin only joined ISR this year, but he is a well-established member of the ISR Community. Radin brings a great deal of enthusiasm, energy and positivity to Grade 6. He is a good friend to his peers and well-liked by his teachers.”

Radin is characterized above all by his friendly nature and is extremely helpful. He supports his classmates and takes on the role of a mentor. It is especially important to him to give his classmates a good feeling. In his young years, he already shows great leadership qualities and also takes on various tasks in the class. In doing so, he is very disciplined and responsible.

His teacher Ms. Horvath adds “He is a wonderful person, who does everything with lots of passion, energy and interest! Not forgetting his great talent in languages. He is empathetic, friendly, hardworking and helpful at any given time.”

We are very proud to spotlight Radin one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.