Spotlight On Our Student Nataliia

This week, we spotlight our eleventh-grader Nataliia, who joined ISR in grade 9. Since then, she has convinced her teachers and classmates of her positive nature and kindness. She is a hard-working student and is also part of the SLOⓇ Leadership Team. In her role, she shows responsibility and leadership skills, as she motivates and supports classmates in various projects. “She is a lovely student to work with”, as Ms. Gander, Student Life Coordinator, adds. She is very involved and actively shapes daily life at ISR through her role in the SLOⓇ department. In addition, she stands out for her openness, commitment, and determination.

Nataliia is one of the most positive students in the IB1 cohort. She exudes optimism and her infectious good nature makes her a pleasure to teach. Furthermore, she is always quick to be helpful with any projects outside of class, as evidenced by her SLOⓇ roles and her willingness to volunteer to work with teachers and peers. I know that if I need a helping hand with any project, she is a reliable person to turn to.” as her teacher Mr. McGee adds.

We are very proud to spotlight Nataliia, one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who, in line with this year’s theme, is striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.