Student Spotlight: Spotlight On Our Student Charles

Friday, 10 December 2021

This week, we spotlight our second-grader Charles, who joined ISR last year in Grade 1. Since then, he has become an integral member of the ISR community and is a determined student who always works hard during lessons. His academic head, Ms. Morris, adds “he is incredibly kind and caring and is a friend to all. It is a joy to have Charles at ISR!” Charles is very ambitious, and this trait is reflected in his classes. Only recently, he achieved great success in English classes: “Charly has recently moved up into English regular and is progressing well. We enjoy having Charly in our class!”, his teacher, Ms. Duenas, adds.

Besides Charles’s academic achievements, he is also very creative. He enjoys drawing and creating characters on paper. He stands out not only for his creativity but especially for his loving and friendly character.

We are very proud to spotlight Charles one of ISR’s many outstanding students!

Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.