Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Tom
Friday, 30 October 2020
This week, we spotlight our sports-loving eleventh grader Tom, who has been part of the ISR community since last year. Tom moved to ISR from a German school and had to get used to a completely different school system in Grade 10. Last year he showed a lot of ambition and worked impressively through the change of school. His academic coordinator, Ms. McGee, still has fond memories of Tom’s start of school and confirms that he invested a lot of time, especially in the early months, to make the change of school a success.
As part of the CAS Big Brother/Big Sister project, Tom regularly spends time with a second grader and provides support. They meet during breaks and Tom takes on the role of Big Brother. Tom takes this role very seriously and it is important to him that he is a role model for his little brother. He is always available to answer his questions and give him advice. His CAS teacher, Mr. Urban, adds “with Tom, you immediately notice that it comes from the heart. Tom is very reliable and conscientious and an ideal role model for his little brother. The two laugh a lot and enjoy the time together.”
Another matter close to Tom’s heart is sport, as it is one of his greatest passions and he has been an active member of the sports club PSV, for many years. In order to combine his passion with school, he is currently taking the first IB sports course (Exercise and Health Service) at ISR. He also runs a SLOⓇ soccer activity for first and second graders together with our sports teacher, Mr. Johnson. Tom not only supports Mr. Johnson, but also brings his own ideas to the activity. He has great fun motivating the Primary School children and teaching them new techniques. Since Tom became part of the ISR community, he has been very involved and engaged from the beginning. He is appreciated by his classmates and is incredibly polite and reliable. Tom shows great fighting spirit and is an example of how you can achieve just about anything with a strong will and ambition.
We are very proud to spotlight Tom one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights