Student Spotlights: Spotlight On Our Student Mona
Friday, 18 September 2020
This week, we spotlight our musically talented 12th grader Mona, who has been part of the ISR community since the fourth grade.
Mona’s great passion is music, and she is an outstanding pianist. In the past, Mona has won many prestigious music competitions and most recently won the MozArte international piano competition in Aachen, Germany, where she was interviewed by the Lokalzeit in Achen together with her sister. Her music teacher, Ms. Gander, says about her, “Mona is a very talented musician and one of the most motivated students I have ever taught. She is boundless and passionate about music”.
Mona also regularly participates in ISR’s internal concerts and always enchants her audience. In the academic field, she is known for her outstanding performance and determination: she knows exactly how to motivate herself! Her commitment is very broad and recently, during the Corona lockdown, she initiated a virtual sports group with some classmates to keep fit together. She is also involved in several CAS projects supporting younger ISR students as a learning mentor, giving piano lessons and teaching Japanese to non-native speakers through a SLOⓇ activity.
Mona also took part in a “Clean Up Action” in Düsseldorf where she and many others helped to beautify our city. Her teacher, Ms. Herda, added, “I have been teaching Mona since 10th grade and have had the honour of accompanying her school career for three years. It is great to see how Mona has developed academically and also in character over the last few years. She is currently attending my IB German class and is preparing for her oral exam, where she has to give a presentation on a book extract. Mona is a very determined student whom I can always rely on when I have tricky questions about the protagonists. She is very motivating and enriches my class”.
We are very proud to spotlight Mona one of ISR’s many outstanding students!
Every Friday, our Student Spotlight Project aims to highlight one of our outstanding students who represent our school motto, “we enable great minds and strong characters”. No matter if it is academic success, special commitment or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights