Spotlight On Our Student Luca Julien
This week we proudly spotlight our first grader Luca Julien. He started at ISR in Kindergarten and quickly improved his English.
Luca Julien is a very sporty and talented boy. His PE teacher at ISR says he is very respectful, helpful, and always ready for new challenges. Luca Julien has been awarded the Sport Star of the Week for his class, and over the weekend, Luca won the Stadtwerke Düsseldorf Kö-Lauf for his age group by running 2 km in only 7:38 minutes. Congratulations Luca Julien!
Also academically he is a top student with exemplary behavior. His Kindergarten teacher Ms. Ramirez really misses seeing him work and think collaboratively with his classmates. She says he is a great problem solver, a thoughtful, kind, and enthusiastic student that always had a big smile on his face.
We are proud to spotlight Luca Julien, one of many of ISR’s outstanding students!
Our Student Spotlight project aims to highlight every Friday one of our outstanding students who is, appropriate to this year’s theme, striving for “extraordinary achievements” on a daily basis. No matter if its academic success, a special commitment, or outstanding character traits – we look forward to sharing each of these success stories.
Our Student Spotlights
February 23, 2024