Hina Matsuri Celebration at ISR
Friday, 3 March 2023
Today, we celebrated the joyous occasion of Hina Matsuri, the Japanese Girls’ Day. Our kindergarten hallways have been beautifully decorated by our dedicated Japanese Community in honor of this special day, and both our kindergarten children and staff have dressed festively to mark the occasion. At 2 PM, we were joined by members of our Japanese Community, who celebrated this wonderful tradition with us.
From the end of February to March 3rd, families traditionally create a display of Hina Dolls in their homes to celebrate the good health and happiness of girls everywhere. It is believed that these dolls will protect children from accidents, illnesses, and any other harm, making them a symbol of security and well-being. This tradition has its origins in ancient Japan and is still practiced today to bring good luck and blessings to girls all around the world.
We are very grateful to our Japanese Community for their dedication and hard work in ensuring that the hallways were beautifully decorated, and for supporting the event.
To learn more about Hina Matsuri, please visit: https://matcha-jp.com/en/753.