Another Amazing CAS Project:
socializing in a virtual way with people in an elderly home

Friday, 26 February 2021

One of our Grade 11 IB students, Chiranan, has come up with a wonderful idea as part of her community service CAS project. Because of the pandemic, she tried to find a way for elderly people to keep in contact with others, be able to have conversations and getting a distraction from their daily routine. Under normal conditions, she would have been able to go and visit them but due to the current situation with COVID-19, she was not able to. However, that didn’t stop her from carrying out this project! Chiranan installed an iPad in a community room in the home in order to call and video chat several times a week with the elderly people there. This gives everyone the great opportunity to meet and socialize, at least virtually.

Chiranan states, that usually the elderly people are always excited to talk to her and in particular those with dementia love to ask her many questions. “Personally I find this very important because they don’t get to talk to a lot of different people during these times and it makes them very happy!”  In this photo, you can see her showing her dog to one of the residents.

We are immensely proud of our students, who never let anything get in the way of making a positive impact.

Well done, Chiranan!