Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
"Die ISR ist eine sehr flexible und engagierte Schule. Kein Schüler wurde während der coronabedingten Schließung im Stich gelassen und niemand verpasste einen einzigen Schultag, entweder dank virtuellem Unterricht zu Hause oder durch persönliche Anwesenheit in der Schule. Der Inhaber der ISR versuchte mit allen Mitteln, das Material und die Lehrmethoden auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen, und alle Lehrkräfte zeigten größten Einsatz und höchste Professionalität. Mein Sohn fühlt sich in der Schule sehr wohl und auch wir fühlen uns dort gut aufgenommen und sind sehr zufrieden. Eine sehr gute und empfehlenswerte Schule!"
— Family Li/La Rocca

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
Dear ISR,We are very grateful for the outstanding support made by the school during this special time! ISR not only provides a safe, reliable and high-quality continuous teaching environment for the kids, but also makes the whole school stand out in this special period through a efficient, professional and thoughtful management team. Congratulations to the excellent results achieved by the ISR graduation class this year, and we feel proud of ISR!A huge THANK to the ISR's wonderful teachers /staffs for their excellent contributions and their hard works. Thanks for everything you've done to the communities. Also many thanks to the excellent Marketing team to keep us always in update. Really a TOP & STRONG school team ! We wish ISR all the best in the future !
— Family Hofmann

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
Dear ISR,I hope you are both well. I write to you to provide some feedback regarding our experience commencing with ISR since moving to Düsseldorf in March this year from Melbourne, Australia. I can not express enough the impact that ISR teachers and in particular Ms. Daisy, Ms. O, Ms. Brocheit, and Ms. Du Plessis have had on such an exemplary transition for our children over the past few months. We have witnessed both our children learning, growing, and becoming more confident and happy at school in such a short period of time. I would like to extend a very warm thank you to ISR and specifically these teachers for their care, time, energy, and above all their evident passion for teaching. It has made such a profound impact on our children and our family. The beginning of any relocation is challenging at the best of times, and ours would not have been so positive without their support.Many thanks,Family Kambouridis
— Family Kambouridis

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
Dear Mr. Soliman,We wish you a happy new year and all the best for you and your family, too! And we want to thank you; for your several mails in the past, for being available and transparent at all time and how you and the ISR staff handle this challanging time.We as family feel very safe at ISR and we are happy to be part of the ISR-Community. We never had concerns to send our daughter Hannah to school. It was always a positive and good feeling and Hannah enjoys the school at ISR so much! When my husband picked-up Hannah from school on Friday, 18th December, she was almost crying, because she won‘t see Ms. du Plessis and her classmates due to the holidays. So, we hope that the physically classes will be possible soon. But for now we are looking forward to the virtual classes starting tomorrow.We send you this positive feedback because this is important in a community, as well. To encourage and strengthen to do the right thing. And from our perspective you are doing the right thing.Take care and stay healthy!Kind regardsFamily Glunz
— Family Glunz

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
We are a diplomat family with two children. In my career, we have been sent to many countries and my children have attended various International Schools. Upon my family’s arrival to Düsseldorf, my colleagues in the Consular corps agreed that ISR was the best choice for my son. Our son started ISR in Grade 11. During his first few weeks, we realized that the teachers and University Counsellors are highly qualified and dedicated to each child and assisted them on their way to further education. Our son chooses difficult subjects for High Levels. He not only managed the subjects well, but enjoyed the lessons from his teachers. After three months, we decided to transfer our daughter, Mira Karaarslan from the French School in Düsseldorf to ISR as well. We were worried about the transition, but the ISR team, especially Ms. Ghica made it smooth, easy, and joyful as possible. Our daughter adapted into Grade 4 in just a few days, as if she had been there for years! There are so many wonderful things we could say about ISR. In short, among all the international schools we have experienced, ISR is much more than an ordinary International school. During the current COVİD-19 pandemic, ISR became the first school to start virtual classes and made every effort to finish the academic year without interruption.
— Turkish Consul General Ms. Karaarslan

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
We would like to say a BIG THANK for all continuous and DAILY support and your individual solutions, that you provide always and provided especially during the difficult COVID-Time. We have a secure feeling at ISR. Since 5 years we are together with ISR. Because of ISR-atmosphere there was not single day when our children did not want to go to school. They love ISR and especially their motivated teachers, super coordinators and great supervisors. The International community gives a lot of possibilities to learn about cultures, languages and traditions of the world. We are sure it will be a big benefit for living interesting lives and give an advantage for careers plans. Our children speak German and Russian at home, English at school and they are learning Chinese already for three years at ISR. We are very pleased to have these opportunities.Thank you ISR!!
— Family Otten

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
The International School at the Rhine has definitely been an incentive for us to extend our stay in Germany. The high standards maintained, combined with the individual attention to students are remarkable. Apart from the academic focus, students enrolled at ISR have the advantage of interacting with various cultures, which adds to their social and emotional development in a very positive manner. I also appreciate the school’s regular communication with parents. There is an open-door policy so it is easy to get to know the management and our children’s teachers and coordinators. The school is friendly and has a warm, family feel. The children are strongly encouraged to be caring and considerate towards one another. Our children feel secure and totally at home at ISR. Parents are always welcome at ISR and are encouraged to volunteer in their children’s learning journey. The children get so excited when their parents show up to help out in the classroom or coordinate after school activities. The Parent Network (PN) also allows parents to be involved in the planning and execution of the various celebrations and events at the school. We really enjoy being part of the ISR family and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great school. "You can be yourself and at the same time, be accepted in the community. Everyone is different but the school brings everyone together."
— Family De Jong

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
Dear Mrs.Lyons, Mr.Soliman.As the end of the year approaches we will like to send a little note to express our gratitude towards the ISR team and specially towards some key elements that make ISR shine.We are all struggling to make our daily life normal in a not so normal time, it was a big relief to all of us having the full support of ISR to sustain our children and to make them feel secure and normal during this pandemic period, we have to say as a family we are impressed how ISR guided the full community, children, parents, etcMrs.Ghica, Ms.Morris, Mr.Bernard to us this teachers deserve the moon and the stars award they have supported each one of us in so many ways, academic, personal,emocional. Let’s not forget all of this teachers have families to care for, but they added us the big ISR family to their personal care.Mr. Bernard talking in one of his virtual classes to our 4 grade class, mention at the end of the sesión, well kids be safe and remember here at ISR we miss you all very much. I was near and was able to here his words to his classroom, they where coming out of his heart and the answer of all the kids to him, I couldn’t hold my self and start to cry to see how the kids where all excited and telling him nice words back it was a very emotional moment.To see how the virtual classes are held impressive, the children are fully engaged with the teachers in their class, to see Mrs. Ghica giving advice to our children and encouraging them to be the best and do their best. To see Mr.Morris finding solutions for all little glitches or bigger concerns we had in second grade impressive. Our feeling is that this teachers give their heart to us, to all of us and to all of our families!To all other teachers I didn’t mention here we are grateful to all of you because each of you had held our hands during this difficult time and for that we say. Thank you ISR !Kind Regards
— Steinvorth Family

Was Schüler und Eltern sagen
Lieber Herr Soliman,Einer der Gründe, warum ich Ihnen diese E-Mail schreiben möchte, ist, dass mein Sohn Jinren zwei Prüfungen bestanden hat. Im Dezember 2023 bestand er den Preliminary English Test (PET) mit einer Gesamtpunktzahl von 164 und im März 2024 das First Certificate in English (FCE) mit einer Gesamtpunktzahl von 178. Beide Leistungen zeigen, dass er das CEFR (Referenzrahmen zur Beurteilung von Fremdsprachenkenntnissen) Level B2 erreicht hat. Diese guten Ergebnisse könnten ihm mehr Chancen geben, von einer renommierten Mittelschule (Klassen 7 bis 9) in Beijing angenommen zu werden.Der Hintergrund ist, dass Jinren abgesehen von einigen Probetests fast ohne Vorbereitung an den Prüfungen teilgenommen hat. In den letzten Monaten hat er sich darauf konzentriert, sein Chinesisch aufzuholen. Die Englischkurse an seiner Schule sind für Anfänger geeignet.Daher ist es offensichtlich, dass ISR ihm eine solide Grundlage für Englisch vermittelt hat. Meine Familie und ich wissen das wirklich zu schätzen.Ich zitiere Ihre Webseite: ,,Wir streben stets nach den höchsten Maßstäben in Bezug auf Werte, Verhalten und schließlich akademische Leistungen.“ Die Erfahrung von Jinren ist eine kleine Bestätigung dafür.Ich möchte Ihnen und allen Kolleg:innen der ISR meinen herzlichen Dank aussprechen.Mit freundlichen Grüßen
— He Family

Was unsere ehemaligen Schülerinnen und Schüler sagen

Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
"Mir gefallen besonders die Eigeninitiative und die Führungsqualitäten, welche die Schüler der 3A und 3B zeigen. Eine Klasse mit starken Führungspersönlichkeiten und hoher Lernmotivation, macht meinen Job so erfüllend! Sie lernen schnell und machen schnell Fortschritte!"
— Ms. Bucher
Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
“I really enjoy working at ISR primarily because of the energy the students give me, their wit, intellect and sometimes, their cunning. In addition to this, I do appreciate the architecture of the school and the surrounding natural environment – it is a pleasure to arrive in the morning. As a teacher at ISR, I am able to participate in a multitude of activities and even set up some of my own. At ISR you can really benefit from the effort that you put in to your daily work and you are able to see the difference your teaching makes in the children’s education. To conclude: Opportunities are endless.”
— Mr. Bates, IB Geography Teacher

Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
“It is such a pleasure to teach French in grade 6A-B this year. The students do not give me the feeling that French is hard to learn and they are really motivated and always curious about learning new concepts. I am really proud of them – BRAVO.”
— Ms. Perera
Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
“I took over this class midway through term 1 and am I ever glad that I did! This group of students ask intelligent questions, they are motivated and they take care of one another.”
— 8th Grade Teacher
Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
“Having an interactive whiteboard in our class this year means that we have made use of the Britannica Encyclopaedia to delve deeper into fields of study. Games, songs, PowerPoint presentations, organization, our whole day is influenced by the board and the opportunities it brings.”
— 5th Grade Teacher
Was unsere Lehrkräfte sagen
“I have been able to spend a lot of time in the library this year, and I am impressed by how much it continues to grow. Seeing families Mondays and Thursdays who take the time to read together and foster a love of learning is a great pleasure. Thank you to all of the families who support the library with donations and by using the book orders offered throughout the year.”
— Librarian
ISR International School on the Rhine
+49 (0)2131 40388-0
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 2
41464 Neuss, Germany